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Natalie and Lachlan were inseparable, no matter how hard they tried to ignore their strong bond.

It was on December 18th, 2017 that they were married, so they became Mr. And Mrs. Power.

On the rainy day of the 22nd in April, 2018, Natalie had news that would shake up their lives forever. She was pregnant, due to have a little boy or girl. Lachlan couldn't be happier, his eyes were just fully of joy and he could not stop talking about how lovely everything was turning out to be. It was then Natalie and Lachlan Power plus one on the way.

January 8th 2019, the day of stress. The baby was coming! And Lachlan was calling everyone, even his mom, just to tell them how much he was freaking out. Now, they became Natalie, Lachlan, and a newborn baby named Lydia.

October 28th 2020, Lydia had been a pretty easy baby to take care of, but when she started to talk, she would never stop. They became Mommy, Daddy, and Lydia, but she couldn't quite pronounce her own name yet.

May 3rd 2024, Natalie finished college, Lachlan ended up with a well paying job at this one engineering place. How he got that job, no one knows. And as for Lydia, she was growing up to be quite the sassy little girl. She enjoyed making dinner with her mom and forcing her dad to play dress up with her. They were called Mommy the cooking lady, Daddy the dresser-upper, and Lydia, the sass princess.

July 19th 2028, Lydia was ruling the house. With her mom teaching at the middle school, and her dad always working. They were never at home, thus beginning a friendship with this girl who lived across the street, her name was Allison Argent. They were now busy parents, and two inseparable best friends.

November 26th 2031, the day Natalie announced her second pregnancy. Lydia was furious. She was the queen, she told her mom. She was the baby of the family. Pre-teen Lydia was not too happy about the new addition to the family. They now become pregnant Natalie, and busy Lachlan, as well as angry Lydia.

July 15th 2031, the day Lucas was born. The day Lydia considered her life ending. She had plans to go live with Allison, cause after all, she thought her parents would be too busy with Lucas. Their family now was even more busy Mom, ecstatic Dad, baby Lucas, and a pretty salty Lydia.

February 19th 2036, Present day. Lydia and Allison had their first boyfriends, well it was technically Lydia's second, but she didn't like to talk about her first. Allison was dating a guy named Scott who was best friends with this hyperactive guy named Stiles. And Lydia was dating Aiden, who had a gay twin named Ethan.

Lydia now rules her own little world.

(Authors Notes)





I'm debating on wether I want a third book or not, if I did write a third one it would only be like 10-15 chapters and its title would be Serenity. I just can't let this series go!


it's hella cliche but at least Lachlan never left at the sound of his wife being pregnant. Like come on, I'm not doing that cliche, never would I write Lachlan as a guy who would leave over a kid. Never!

Did you like it? I sure did!

Now to focus on letters to the dead with has like 5-10 letters left, and Is This Love!

Heh, I named Lydia and her friends after teen wolf characters.

Sincerely - LachlanWhere stories live. Discover now