Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four
Natalie's Pov

My room was silent, the only light that was in my room was coming from my opened blinds. I sat on my floor, in front of a mirror, straightening my hair.

Madi has been texting me all week about her coming to visit, but it's been hard. She is busy with Jerome, they are trying to work things out right now, with jobs and college and stuff. Kinda like me and Lachlan right now, sorta. Her last text to me was something along the lines of 'we have to hang out and omg Castiel isn't in season 7 at all.'
If I leave my phone just sitting, I'll get like 20 messages from Madi going on and on about Supernatural. I don't understand at all, so I just let her freak out to me.

Once I finished straightening my hair, I walked downstairs to where Lachlan and Mitch had been talking and goofing around. I don't remember them coming in, but I definitely remember them being utterly annoying. "Did you miss me?" Were the first words that came out of Mitch's mouth once I entered the room. "Nope."

I really didn't miss Mitch, I have never been a very big fan of him. He's my friend, I know, but he has also hurt every single one of my other friends. Except Kylie and Vikk, only because he doesn't know them.

"So, where's Jerome?" I ask, sitting on Lachlan's lap who groans as I do, "Natalie why!? You're crushing my fragile bones!"

"And the boyfriend of the year award goes to Lachlan Power woo!" Says a voice coming from right outside the room. "Madi oh my god!" I squeal, jumping back to my feet and run to her. "I haven't seen you in forever." We hug for a solid 3 minutes at least before spending another hour catching up, we even ignored the hello's of the others arriving like Jerome, Preston, and Vikk. Apparently, he is really good friends with all of them. I don't know where I have been, but I can assure you it wasn't playing 21 questions with Vikk.

I start to freak out again, grinning like crazy, clapping my hands in excitement. If Vikk is here that means Kylie hear too. I run outside, where she stands right outside the car door, searching through her purse. "Kylie!" I shout, running straight at her, hugging in from behind. "Oh my god.. Woah... Hey! Is Australia always this nice? I think I want to stay here until winter passes?"

"Winter... It's not Winter. It's summer..

"In the U.K it's Winter, and it is so cold!"

"It must suck! Anyways, my friends are inside, I want you to meet them!" I was really excited for Kylie to finally meet Madi, Jerome, Mitch, and Preston. "Yes, let's go!" She closes the car door and walks inside where everyone is. Preston is the one who is closest, so I go to him first. "Hi Preston, this is my friend Kylie. Kylie, this is Preston!"

And then we introduced her to Jerome, then Mitch, said hello to Lachlan and Vikk, and finally, we were introducing her to Madi. "Hi Kylie! I've heard so much about you! I think we are going to be great friends. And oh my gosh have you met Castiel yet?"

"Almost! I'm on episode 14 of season 3!" I walk away, letting. Them talk about their show and get to know each other.

"Hey Natalie, can I talk to you for a minute?" Preston asks. I nod, and we step into an almost empty, guest bedroom. "So, what's up?"

"Well... I thought I'd just talk to you and see where your head is at."

"Where my head is at?" Does he think I'm crazy? Have I been acting weird? Maybe it's all the squealing.

"Yeah... I am just wondering what you have been thinking... About us."


"No, no, no! Not like us, us! I mean... " he goes silent for a minute, like he has to think of something brilliant to say. "How are things with Lachlan?"

Sincerely - LachlanWhere stories live. Discover now