Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight - Natalie's Pov

We sit in a circle on the cold hardwood floor. The moonlight barely shining through the blinds in the lit up room. Mitch claps his hands together and positions himself so he is more comfortable. Jerome sit next to him, humming along to a tune that has been stuck in his head for the last five days now.

"Story time!" Lachlan announces, making his presence clear to the rest of us as he sits down right in between myself and Jerome. "Who wants to start?"

"Story time...?" Mitchell repeats, the unpleasantness in his voice makes it very clear to us that Mitch Hughes does not want storytime. "Unless we aren't talking about booz or chicks I am not interested." Jerome nudges him at his sexist remark, rolling his and smiling in apology for Mitchells behavior like a parent would to a disrespectful child. Lachlan raises his eyebrow, "Booz?"


"And chicks?"

"You bet."

Lachlan rolls his eyes, he is completely done with that conversation. To prove my thoughts as correct he says, "Who wants to go first?" The room goes silent, Mitch shaking his head with a dumb smirk on his face as Jerome shrugs, looking at each of us, waiting for someone to say they will begin. "Oh my god, I am not just staring at everybody for an hour! I'll go first!"

Jerome sighs in relief, taking a sip of his pepsi that had been opened and waiting patiently for jerome to drink it for about a half and hour. Lachlan just smiles, his eyes closed as nods in approval. I glanced down at the floor, not sure where to begin with my untold story... That the guys probably know about already, but is currently the only story I can think of.

"Well, it all starts in Junior Year."

October 7th, 2011

I walk down the hallway with my newest best friend, Preston. His walk is almost like a skip as if it was christmas morning and you were excited to play with the cool new toy you had just gotten in celebration of Jesus Christ's birthday. I never understood christmas. We were celebrating a birthday, not in our family, why were we the ones claiming the gifts? Anyways, Preston was slightly ahead of me when I caught sight of that attractive blonde boy that I head butted yesterday, on accident. Kinda.

Preston notices him too. He even stops to go say hello to his so called friend. I've seen the two together before, but its obvious who his 'clique' really is. Preston is basically the bystander, he is there to make everyone else look good. Maybe we have more in common than I thought.

I walk forward, closer to Lachlan's pack of... Idiots. I know all of them by name, I don't even know why I remember all of their names. Preston joins his fellow 'friends' as I name out all of Lachlans group of wannabee more populars'.

Lachlan Power, your typical bad boy stereotype that leads his clique.

Wrapped around in Lachlan's arms is his bitch, Lacey Smith, your classic dumb blonde stereotype.

Next to the bitch is another girl whispering in her ear, giggling about something. That girl is Madison Bornstine, she looks as she seems. Dangerous.

Next is the other half of the couple, Mitchell Hughes. Your typical lets talk about innapropriate things while we play video games.

Then there is Jerome, Jerome Aceti. He is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. I really do not know how he got in with them.

I follow Preston shortly after and smile at the clique. "Hey, Lachlan!" He turns around and smiles, but that quickly turns into laughter. "Do I know you?" The rest of the group laughs along, except Jerome and Preston.

Sincerely - LachlanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora