Chapter 23: Decisions and painful consequences

Start from the beginning


Without realizing it I ended up at my house which is a bad idea. It's not the right time of day to be coming home. I want to turn around and leave but too late. He's looking at me through the window. Beckoning me to come to him.

Well fuck I could just leave but doing so next time he catches me it will be 1000 times worse then it will be to just go in there and get this over with. Grabbing the knob to the front door I walk in.

"Well long time no see. Where have you been?" I didn't answer because whatever I say will piss him off. He thinks that I never come home but he doesn't know I have been sneaking through my window.

If he knew that I could never come home. "Well, are you going to answer me, boy?!" He was pissed and I could smell the alcohol coming from my father's breath. Great.

"You don't do shit around this house and you never come home. The least you could do is answer me when I ask you a question." He slams his fist into the table. Slowly walking towards me. "I've been staying with a friend for a bit."

"Yeah? Well, why did you come back then?" Why did I keep coming back? I mean Erik told me that I could just stay at his house permanently. Yet for some reason, I didn't want to leave the old geezer completely alone.

"I just came back to check on you." That was a lie and we both knew it. "Check on me huh? You leave this house without my permission and come back only when you want to and now you are acting like you are checking on me?"

"Can you blame me? We both know it's better when I don't show my face." He seemed pissed when I said that. Every time he sees me he's pissed. Ever since my mom died. He has hated me. The first few years after her death. He was the same dad he had always been.

I guess it finally got to him that she wasn't coming back and I look just like her so that's my curse. "Why can't you show your face? Are you saying it's because of me?! What am I some sort of bad father?" He was inches from me. I could feel the heat coming off his skin.

"No, I take care of your sorry ass. I pay for your clothes and food even when you don't show up. I put a roof over your ungrateful ass. Don't dare act like I am a bad dad." My face instantly felt the sting as he landed a blow against my cheek.

His arm was still pulled back like he was about to strike again. I knew I shouldn't open my mouth but I couldn't control it because I was pissed at this point. "You mean with the money mom left? The one you have been living off of like a bum?"

He landed the next blow as well but this time he aimed for my gut hitting me over and over again. I doubled over grabbing my stomach. That actually hurt.

"Aww what can't handle a few punches like a real man? You were a mistake." Seeing another opening he kicked me. Pain shot through my side as he kicked me over and over again. I grabbed his foot to stop him but he just yanked it back and kneed me hard so many times I lost count.

Coughing and clutching my side trying to not lose consciousness. I managed to roll away from him. I wanted to hit him so bad. To knock the smirk off his crappy face. Yet I couldn't do it.

He had been a good dad. My best friend at some point. I don't know what changed that. Plus my mom would never have forgiven me if I hit my father. She would never have looked at me the same way.

Even if she isn't here. I still wouldn't want to disappoint her. It took all my strength to get up before he managed to catch up for me. My feet led me to the front door before my mind caught up.

My head was hurting and my sides were on fire but I had to keep moving. A few raindrops hit my face. "Where the hell do you think you are going?"

I got on my bike before he even reached the driveway and I was off. The pain was intense and I was slightly dizzy.

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