𝟶𝟾. 𝐼𝑡 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒... 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑜𝑚?

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"Do you have somewhere to be?" Louis asks on their drive back home.

"Uhm... No why?" Harry asks hesitant. What is he up to?

"I thought maybe we could go somewhere. I don't know. I don't feel like going home yet and I thought maybe you'd wanna do something together?" His voice questioning the answer already. It's a miracle he and Harry were hanging out together yesterday. Let alone today go somewhere not-home.

"O-okay. What?"

"I don't know. Anything you want to do?"

"Well, I'm hungry..."

"Then we're gonna go get some food. Where?"

"Can we uhm, go to McDonalds?"

"Of course!"

Harry moans softly at the thought. "I haven't had McDonalds in soo goddamn long."

"What? Seriously? I go there once a week at least!"

"I don't really have a car remember and it isn't that close..."

"Oh right." Louis feels sorry for just assuming Harry can do whatever he want but of course he can't go without a car.

"Well lucky you. Cause I'm starving too." Louis says smiling trying to lighten the mood.

He puts on the music in the car and Wish You Were Here from Pink Floyd starts playing automatically.

"Sorry." Louis says trying to turn it off but Harry seems to enjoy the song.

"Who is this?" Harry asks. Vibing to the song.

"Pink Floyd. It's good song huh?"

"Hell yeah. It's beautifully calm, just the guitar in combination with his voice..."

"I love to listen to this song every now and then. Mostly when I'm down and I just drive around town. I put on some good old Pink Floyd and just vibe on my own." Louis says eyeing the road while tapping the steering wheel.

"I totally get you. I'd probably do the same if I had a car..." Harry says softly, looking out the window.

They soon arrive and order their food. Waiting for it to arrive.

"I don't get why we never talked before. I've known you for so long but never really got to know you except you face." Louis says breaking the silence.

"I know why... but I already told you why. Zayn probably wouldn't like this either." He says hinting at them going to McDonalds together.

"What why?"

"You were his friend first. Not mine."

"So?! I can hang out with both of you. Thereby it's my decision to make not his." Louis says putting his hand on Harry's.

"Don't always do everything Zayn tells you to Hazz."

"I just want to make him happy. I don't want to disappoint him. He's my brother. I love him. I can't have him mad at me, that would break my heart. It actually already does sometimes..."

"What do you mean by that? Does he hurt you?"

"Not directly. He doesn't mean it like that. He can just be a little hard with words sometimes but it's just who he is. I'm kinda used to it. I know he loves me deep down. That's all that matters in the end."

"But his words hurt you..."

"It makes me stronger in a way too. He just wants to protect me from making mistakes."

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