S.B.I, Open Up! (SBI)

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Wilbur reloaded his crossbow with one hand, the other holding the papers that detailed the Sleepy Boys' mission. Him, Phil, Techno and Tommy were all in a discrete black car, full with tinted windows and all. They were all dressed in dark purple spy suits, and high black boots. To everyone else, they might as well just be a group of eccentric rich boys travelling from one place to another, but that was far from the case.

They were part of the deep underground agency of Minecraft, which worked to get rid of mobs that have somehow entered their world. They were one of the few Ender Squads they had, alongside the Dream Team and the Idots. Together, the three squads were basically the elites of Minecraft, and they handled the more dangerous missions.

His reading was paused as he heard a curse from Techno, before Tommy yelped.

"Disc, be careful mending your sword," Phil called from where he was in the driver's seat, using their codenames just in case anyone was listening in. "We don't want to cut off War's head, do we?"

"No," Tommy grumbled.

With that settled, Wilbur resumed reading the mission given. The mission was located in a secluded part of the city, which was good; Wilbur didn't want to clean some unfortunate bystander's mind again. There were a group of escaped piglins hiding in an abandoned house, and were using it as their base. Their job was to kill them so they could respawn back in their world. It technically wasn't killing, but it did still make Wilbur queasy.

Now, the less experienced agents and non-hunting agents would wonder why they weren't using traditional weapons. As Minecraft had figured out early on, the only weapons that could hurt the mobs were the ones that could also be found in their world. Namely, swords, bows, crossbows, axes, and tridents, among others.

"Are we going with the usual strat or are we changing?" Wilbur asked, putting the papers back into the file, before storing it in a small, hidden compartment.

"We should probably change it up a bit," Phil said, ever the leader. "War, don't worry, you're still on murder duty."

"Oh wow, how unexpected," Techno's monotone voice made them all snicker, before calming themselves down. "Let me guess. Puppetmaster is staying back for support, you Hardcore is going to join me on murder duty, and Disc will be on guard duty."

"Not the original plan, but it could actually work," Phil smiled, ignoring Tommy's whines. "We're going with that now."

"But I'm always on guard duty," Tommy complained loudly, quieting down just a bit as they stopped just a few feet away from the house the piglins were staying at. "I wanna be on murder duty as well!"

"If you stay nice we'll let you say our mantra, okay?" Wilbur ruffled the youngest boy's hair.

Luckily, Tommy enjoyed saying their mantra a lot, and so he willingly stayed nice and quiet as they stepped out of their car, swords and crossbows equipped. Luckily, nobody was nearby, which made their job easier.

"Bumblebee, come in," Phil whispered quietly. "Everything good?"

"Yup!" Bumblebee, also known as Tubbo, chimed in from their earpieces. "Disc, when you get back I have some biscuits to share with you, so come back quick!"

"Poggers, Bee," Tommy whispered excitedly as Tubbo cut off his mic. Tubbo was his best friend, so it wasn't abnormal for the two to have conversations like this. It helped that Tubbo was one of the main agents assigned to be their communicator, so they got to talk a lot.

"What are you waiting for, nerd?" Techno drawled, bumping shoulders with Tommy as they walked to the door of the house, careful not to make too much noise with their walking. "Say the line."

With a grin, Tommy shouted their signature call, kicking down the door as he did so.


(A/N: not my best but I hope you enjoyed it.)

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