baby diapers

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After Finn's parents flew to Canada and never returned, Finn has been sniffing baby diapers from a daycare. "Fresh diapers always smell the best, especially with pee still in there." Finn stated, sniffing a diaper. He has been coming to this daycares garbage can since his parents left.

He becomes addicted to things very easily. We have met with this kid so many times. Finn always came after the daycare was over for the day to get 'fresh' diapers. "The smell is glorious." He stated, sniffing the diaper as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

Everyone was gagging, without Shawn, may god rest his soul. 🙏

Finn continued to show us where he got his diapers. "Usually I come to this daycare, but when it's closed I go to the diaper dumps." Finn stated. He was giving a tour of the diaper parlour.

"Right here is where they dump the fresh ones." Finn stated, picking one up.

*one really long sniff*

"Yeah thats the stuff"

People were constantly worried about Finn after the hostpital incident. He still lives in his andoned house.

"You smell like caca."

"Then thats a good thing."

Finn was constantly sniffing the diapers, old and new. We had to shut the cameras off and had to pull him out of a pile.

May god rest Shawns soul.🙏

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