"i wonder what your parents reaction, if they saw you like this!!" i said

"i wish i can see that but that's very impossible since i'm living alone" she said that makes me wonder about her parents whereabouts

"really? if you don't mind can i ask where are they?" i asked while applying ointment lightly in her lips since i'm really curious she sighed

"m-my mother's already in heaven she's now my guardian angel she died when i was 7 while my dad he's in England with his family he get married again after 3 years my mom died my dad started to change and focus his life in his work and his family he doesn't even know that i already left england since aunty mercella doesn't want me there he did some magic to my passport so that i can leave england and go here in japan and i'm already here for 2 months but he didn't call me not even once well it's nothing new even we live in the same roof we didn't always get a chance to see and talk to each other i'm actually thinking maybe he doesn't know that i'm still existing"

when i heard that i stop and look at her i'm shocked to see her crying she push her hair up where her hand could rest on her face.

"i'm sorry " i apologized since i think i asked the wrong question

'i didn't know that behind her personality she's hurting, she hide it well'

'i totally know the feeling'

"it's fine, i'm actually feeling a little better now thank you " she said smiling lightly as she wiped her tears

"come on i'll walk you home now" i said

She jumped down from the counter when she accidentally tripped on her feet and fell on me and i quickly looked around to find something where can pull to balance myself but found nothing, we landed on the floor i closed my eyes as i feel my back hit the floor with impact and shihara on top of me i quickly open my eyes and saw her eyes closed

when she slowly opened her eyes, i found my eyes staring at her electric blue eyes i do't know but i cant look away i feel like it's pulling me to stare at her eyes it's entrancing i felt something in my chest it was as if we were trapped somewhere that prevented us from moving when we heard footsteps and voices from the outside that immediately brought us back in reality our eye's widen and quickly stand to regain our composure i can feel the awkwardness surrounding us

" a-ahmm sorry " she apologized while looking away

"i-t's ok, come on we have to go " and we started to head out of the bathroom they're both walking in silence while thinking if they can start the conversation to ease the awkwardness between them

"ahmm miyuki/ hara-chan" they both said at the same time

"ah go on" shihara said and smile a bit

'she's really cute when she's smiling'

'what will i say? I'm afraid that what i'm going to say is something sensitive to her think miyuki what do you think is a good question to ask'

'how about her report' i'm still thinking what to ask when i remember something

"ahm i want to ask about your report you explained how do you come up with that conclusion? it's like you didn't tell us everything are you still hiding something?"

'well i'm really confused?' she tilted her head

"nothing, just wait for it to happen"

"ehhhh? "

'really that's why i asked her question because i want to know'

We both have casual conversation perhaps trying not to turn around the fact that they were going together at night to her house where there was no one

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