Chapter 4

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THE NEW COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!(Lol, hope ya'll like it😂 took me a bit 😂)

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THE NEW COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Lol, hope ya'll like it😂 took me a bit 😂)

(Also, I've tried like, 8 times to get the cover photo not as blurry [not the image]. Like, I set the photo above as my cover photo, but it went very blurry.😂 idk, maybe it's different on your end lol)

POV: Shin-ae


I walked quickly with a squishmallow in my arms.
"You're not preventing me from getting a 20" Lion with a rainbow mane and the name of Leonard!" I chuckled, hearing him sigh in defeat.
"Why must you keep getting stuffed animals? It's childish.." he sighed.
"I'm sorry Mr. grumpy mc grumpertan, but this is a pillow. Even if it wasn't, it's fudging adorable and I love it." I grinned as I went to self checkout and quickly paid for the plush. We exited the store and I squeezed onto the squishmallow tightly. We walked for a while before I realized something.

   It was the day after the beach, which meant that school/work was tomorrow. I nearly tripped over my own feet once I remembered that it was Sunday.
"Crap, it's Sunday..." I mumbled as we got into the elevator in the apartment building.
"Are you just realizing this now? It's 4pm." He chuckled.
"Yeah, well the weekend goes by really quickly..." I sighed.
"I know how it could go by even quicker." Kousuke shrugged, making me know what he was thinking.
    I swung my squishmallow at his face.
"B-Baka!" I stuttered, "you're cousin's still here!"
"I was just joking." He chuckled.

   He pulled me closer to him and the squishmallow was squished in between us.
"Do we need to slow down on the number of romances we watch?" I questioned to him with a few inch gap.
  Before he could reply, the elevator chimed, and out popped Hansuke from the other side of the elevator doors. He stared at us for a brief moment before laughing.
"I guess now was a perfect time to head to the pool." He chuckled as Kousuke let me go.

"Of course you'd be heading to the pool now." I chuckled, moving out of the elevator. Kousuke followed me.
"You remember the code right?" Kousuke asked Hansuke as he stepped onto the elevator.
"Yeah!" He grinned as the doors closed.

  We entered our apartment and I flopped onto the couch with my squishmallow in my arms, laying on my back.
"Best purchase ever." I grinned.
"..that's what you said about all of them" Kousuke chuckled, throwing four more squishmallow a onto me.
  I grabbed them all and hugged them.
"And I wasn't lying about any of them." I laughed.

   Kousuke sat besides me, and I attacked him with squishmallows.
"Are you having fun?" He muffled with two squishmallow a against his face.
"Maybe." I chuckled.

We sat on the couch and watched some tv for a while. Hansuke came back from the pool, and we hung out at the counter and ate some dinner.
Kousuke kept looking at his phone while we were eating, and at one point, nearly choked on his food.

"What?" I asked him, looking down at his phone.
"My mother just messaged me and said that in two weeks, we were going to all meet at a restaurant that one of her clients own.." he groaned in frustration.
"What's wrong with that? Haven't you not seen your mother for a year now?" Hansuke asked as he ate.
"You should know why." I chuckled.
Hansuke went "ohhh" and nodded in understanding.

Ever since Kousuke's mother lied and manipulated me, I haven't trusted her. I barely even like her, but she's difficult to ignore. If she wanted to she could ruin someone's life with a glance.
'But, maybe it's time to tell them about our relationship. I mean, we've been together for... four years now?...'
"Holy shiz, we've kept our relationship a secret for about 4 years!" I laughed.
"Has it really been that long?" Kousuke asked.

Hansuke laughed.
"Here you are, cousin, Scoring a chick before I do." He chuckled, bringing his now empty plate to the dishwasher.
"What about Mira's cousin? You two seemed to have a bit in common." I smirked.
"I mean, perhaps. But it would have to be a long distance relationship.." Hansuke shrugged.

I brought my plate and Kousuke's plate to the dishwasher, and looked down at the Apple Watch that Kousuke got for my birthday, seeing that the time was 9pm.
"We should probably go to bed now. 'Cause don't you have to go pick up your suit from the dry cleaners in the morning?" I asked Kousuke.
He nodded and stood up.
"Yes, I need the suit to give a presentation tomorrow. It will be with the heads of the company, including my father." He said, heading to the bathroom.

I watched Kousuke walk into the bathroom, and I quickly went into the cupboard, pulling out a box of Twinkies.
"Look what my friend sent me from from the US." I chuckled, throwing the box at Hansuke, "but shhhhhh, don't tell Kousuke." I whispered.
"Yesss!-wait, but why can't he know?" He chuckled, taking out a Twinkie.
"Because he loves them too much." I chuckled, "this is punishment cause last time he ate the whole box!"
"Isn't that a bit harsh?" He said with a mouthful of Twinkie.
"Oh, I have another box. But I hid it and he can only have some when I say." I said pointing to a secret cabinet.
  Hansuke laughed and handed me the box back.
"Alright mom." He chuckled, throwing his trash away and walking into the living room.

   I put the box away and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and stuff. Kousuke was also brushing his teeth.
"So, two weeks right?" I asked after putting away my toothbrush.
   He nodded and spat out his toothpaste, rinsing his toothbrush with water.
"Alright, that gives me enough time to prep." I said confidently.
"Are you sure about that? I mean, it's my mom." He said, putting away his toothbrush.
  My confidence sank.
"Damn, why'd you have to remind me.." I mumbled, "either way, maybe now is a good time to tell them! You know, before your mom brings another suitress here." I laughed.

"That was two years ago, and I have no idea why she did that." Kousuke chuckled.
"Bruh, she's always trying to get you to date someone!" I laughed, "literally the first time she was alone, she told me that we'd produce 'stunning heirs'!! WHO THE FUK SAYS THAT!" I exclaimed, us both bursting into laugher.
"Yup, sounds like mother. As soon as I reached maturity she began setting up dates for me, though she knew that I didn't care for dating." He chuckled, leading me out of the bathroom.
"Hehe, didn't care. I see that your opinion has changed?" I asked as we entered my bedroom.
"Perhaps." He shrugged.

   We got in bed and I turned off the lights, dreading having to wake up early in the morning.

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