Chapter 10 Part 1

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POV: Shin-ae

"BBOOOOMMMM" The thunder roared outside of the house.
   It was November, and possibly one of the worst typhoons of the year. Though, all I really had to do was turn the tv louder.
"Killua, how the heck did you pull that guys heart out?!" I gasped, watching 'Hunter x Hunter'.
Mira forced me to go on maternity leave about a week ago, so all I've been doing all day is binge watching shows.
I heard my phone ring from the kitchen, and I sighed and stood up, walking over to it.

"Hello?" I asked.
"Is everything alright? I heard that the area lost power." Kousuke reported.
"No, I still have power-" I commented, just as all of the lights went out, "nevermind."
Kousuke groaned on the other side of the phone, "crap...I'm leaving as quickly as I can, alright?"
"Alrighty, see you soon." I chuckled, ending the call.

I turned on my phone flashlight, and made my way back to the couch. As I got besides it, I heard the front door flew open, a gust of wind throwing me back onto the coffee table.
The coffee table broke underneath me, causing me to grunt in pain.
"Damn..." I groaned, rolling forward and pulling myself up.

I painfully walked to the door, and slowly began closing it. Once the door was closed, I felt a light headed sensation pour over me. I leaned my back against the door and grunted, feeling myself drain. I used the flashlight from my phone and pointed it down, seeing a puddle of red.



'Errr, no boyfriend...'
"Mira." I winced, stumbling to open the door back up.
The wind nearly pushed me back in, but I fought against it. The rain hit me hard and felt like a thousand tiny pebbles falling from the sky. I treaded through the watered path with my feet half in my shoes, hurrying quickly down a few houses. Once I got to Mira and Wilson's house, I knocked heavily on the door.

Mira answered with a pajama shirt tightly fit over her pregnant belly, and looked at me horrified.
"Shin-ae?!? Holy crap, what happened?!" She asked, bringing me inside.
"La-bor..." I breaker out, leaning one hand against the wall as I tried to fight away the pain.
  She looked at me shock.
"I-It's two months early, are you sure??" She asked.
   I nodded and saw her run further into the house.
"Wilson! Wilson, you need to drive Shin-ae to the hospital!" Mira called.

   Wilson flew down the stairs with a flashlight.
"What?!" He asked, "a-alright, let me grab my keys."
He quickly grabbed his keys off the key rack and went over to Mira.
"You are to sit on the couch and not move, understand me?" He paused and turned, "Henry! Make sure mommy stays on the couch!" He called back.
"Okay!" Henry replied from the living room.

Wilson got his shoes on and escorted me out of the house. We got into the car, and I pulled out my phone, quickly dialing Kousuke's number.
"Is everything alright?" Kousuke asked.
"Yes, everything's quite peachy." I printed in pain, "Wilson's driving me to the hospital-"
"What?? What happened?!" He asked.
"I'm in labor. Meet us at the hospital." I said, just as I felt an extreme amount of pain.

I grunted and clenched my phone, accidentally hanging up with Kousuke in the process.
"We're about 10 minutes away." Wilson informed.
I nodded and tried to calm my breathing.
"Heh, this is similar to when I drove Mira to the hospital." I chuckled lightly, leaning my seat back some.
"That's for sure." Wilson chuckled.

We got to the hospital before long, and got inside. Kousuke walked in right after us. Once Kousuke was by me, Wilson broke off from us, going to the front desk.
"Are you alright?" Kousuke asked as we walked to the front desk.
"A bit." I shrugged.
"What do you mean a 20 minute wait?? This girl is in labor!" Wilson said angrily to the guy.
"I'm sorry, but we have to take every patient into consideration-" the guy started, before Wilson cut him off.
"I'm not sure what med school you went to, but women in labor are ALWAYS one of the first to be considered." Wilson said sternly.

This attracted another worker that walked over to us.
"What seems to be the problem?" She asked.
"This woman is in labor, and this dingbat is telling us that we have to wait 20 minutes!" Wilson waved his arms in frustration.
The female worker gave a stern look to the other worker, and looked back at us, "I am so sorry about that. Please, follow me and I'll bring you to the delivery room." She said, turning around and walking down a hallway.
"I'm going to go get Mira and the emergency bag she packed for you!" Wilson said, running back to the exit.

Kousuke and I walked down the hallway with the woman, and we got into the room.
"Please get undressed and get into that robe." She said before exiting.
  I took off my pants and shirt, and but on the robe. I then layer down on the bed.
  We waited for a bit before a doctor finally came in.
"I'm so sorry for the wait. How far along are you?"she asked.
"I'm not supposed to be due until January, but..." i grunted, "I'm pretty certain that it's happening right now..."

   I explained everything that had happened, and then everything began. A few nurses came in, and before long, I was being told to push.
I was mentally and physically exhausted, yet I wanted to go home and finish my episode of Hunter X Hunter.
About 30 minutes of contractions and pushing, I finally was able to relax.


Idk how hospitals work😂😂😂I tried lol. The last time I went to the hospital to see a child, it was my little brother who was born and it was in 2014😂

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