Chapter One: A Shocking Discovery

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Sitting in my dark and eerily silent apartment, I finally decided that I was ready to die.

Well, die again I guess. At this point, I've gone 2 years without feeding - or leaving the confines of my small and almost empty living room. This is the longest I've been able to go in the 100 years I've been 17, which is quite impressive - and concerning according to other immortals in San Francisco. They'd never met a vampire that willingly chose to stop feeding before.

Of course, I can never fully escape the smell. Hot and irony, it's like I can taste my human neighbors through the walls and in every fiber of my furniture and shaggy carpet. Every breeze from an open window or passerby in the hallways tempts me with a warm aroma that is both mouthwatering and repulsive. You would think I'd be used to it by now. The unbearable appetite that demands human blood is an addiction that no immortal can stay away from for long. That's why I'm determined to rid myself of this disease and murderous rage that will never escape me.

I'm the only one of my kind that I know of who has never truly embraced immortality since they were first need. It's something i've been thinking a lot about lately - that and my older sister Mary Alice. Technically I would be older than her now, by around 90 years or so, but she would always be wiser than I could ever by, even with the time that has come between us.

The longer I sit on this grey sofa that's lightly worn with years of use, the more I can feel small cracks forming beneath the skin on my hands and fingertips. Each millimeter of damage feeling like a thousand stitches coming apart at the seams - a modern Frankenstine held together in stone rather than flesh.

"So, this is it then? You're going to spend the last few moments of your life sitting on this horrid sofa?" An amused voice speaks from the nearest corner of my living room.

"Leave me be, Luke." I weakly spit at my uninvited guest, sensing his presence immediately.

"What, you're not going to offer me a drink?" Luke smirks with crossed arms as he emerges from the shadows.

Luke and I have been continued acquaintances for over a decade now. He calls us friends, I like to say that we're familiar with one another's existence. We met a little over a decade ago when I was trying to find a place to settle. His dirty blonde hair and snow-white smile made him look like some sort of Greek God, Adonis, or Apollo maybe. But, I knew that he was more than just a pretty face - that being a royal pain in my ass.

I turn my head weakly to meet his gaze and glared at his crimson eyes, "You know very well I have no drink for you here."

Looking at my slightly cracked jawline Luke's playful demeanor falters as he moves closer towards me, warily kneeling down to meet my gaze, "Elizabeth. This is no way to handle things." His voice is soft now, pleading.

I let out a sigh. "I told you, Luke, I can't live this life anymore." Hesitating, I let my hand rest softly on his shoulder, "We both know I've never really belonged in this world, in life, and in death."

He's silent for a moment, sensing that my mind is made up and undoubtedly thinking of a way to change this inevitable outcome.

"What if I told you there was another way? To live this life?" Luke whispered, slowly lifting his head to meet my eyes.

I smile at him weakly, feeling a searing pain shoot through the bottom of my lip as a new crack began to form. "I wish it were that easy. To choose the type of monster we can be in a world that will forever fear us." Moving my hand away from his shoulder I turn away from him, signaling that I would like to be left alone.

Moving at a speed that only our kind can see with the naked eye, Luke moves to the other side of the couch and rests his hand on mine, fully desperate to be listened to.

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