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"You did WHAT!!!"

The Cullen's all stare at their father silently; they knew he wouldn't react well to their plan but this is very unlike him.

Carlisle glares at them one by one. "I told you all to stay away! I told you to leave this be!"

"We were-"

"Trying to help, yeah you said!" Carlisle snaps at Alice. He runs his hands through his hair. "What exactly did you give her!"

They share a look. Jasper clears his throat. "We wrote your life story into a novel, the story of Carter Cyle." He says quietly; he can feel his father's burning anger, a feeling he's never gotten from him. "It's your life story, word for word almost, up until Edwards creation and Esme's..." He doesn't finish the sentence.

Carlisle is speechless. "How dare you. This is my business. Mine. I never once interfered with your lives, I never once risked your happiness! I had a plan!"

Edward rolls his eyes. "Leaving her to get mentally stronger isn't a plan. Humans are unpredictable, you don't know when she'll ever be mentally stable enough to take the news. This way she can guess it - no laws will be broken. Hopefully." He adds; this'll all have been for nothing if she doesn't figure it out.

"This isn't your business." Carlisle snaps, storming out. He came back with the intent of staying with his family for a few days before he goes back to normal life, but now he doesn't want to. He's so mad, mad they felt the need to interfere.

What if Wren doesn't speak to him now?

What if she doesn't figure it out?

Or she does, but doesn't want him still?

"Carlisle." Edward calls as he follows him out. "Come on, we were just trying to help."

"Yeah? Well thanks but no thanks." He snaps, slamming the car door.

"I'll go." Rose sighs, running after him. She quickly climbs in the car, rolling her eyes as he rolls his. "Yeah, yeah, get lost right? Just let me speak for a moment."

"Rosalie, you are the most opposed to Wren finding out. It is very two faced to sit here and try and win me over for their argument." He says, glaring at the road as he goes 180mph.

Rose shrugs, watching him. "My argument too, not theirs. I want you happy, dad, that's all. And if she is that? So be it. We dealt with one human we can handle another - Wren seems comically clumsy, not stupid clumsy like Bella."

"And what about snide remarks? Rude comments? Stares?" He asks, rolling his eyes.

Rose grins. "That's just me isn't it? Can't treat her any different to the rest of the family, now."

Carlisle sighs, slowing a little. "Rosalie..." He sighs again, closing his eyes for a moment. "What if she never wants to see me again?" He says in a whisper, a whisper so quiet a human wouldn't hear a thing.

Rosalie rubs his arm. "That won't happen. Because you're too good of a man to ever want gone."


Wren quickly finishes serving the customer at the drive thru. "Enjoy your meal, thank you." She says. While there's a pause she quickly switches places with someone, rushing to clock out. Since she started reading that book last week, she hasn't been able to put it down. She hasn't had much free time either but she's getting there, almost 1/3rd of the way through now.

"Wren, can you pick up a sh-"

"I got another shift at the coffee shop, I'm sorry!" She lies, running to the bus stop across the street. She just makes it on to it and stays standing at the front, running off at her stop and to the house. She slams doors this time since she's home alone, and throws herself on the bed; she grabs the book from under her pillow and rolls over, beginning to read.

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