Volume 9

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( 2 months go past since kiko's and Yui's faithful encounter . Toshima , Shiro and Kyoko have really come to love their new life in just a short matter of time. However as the sun rises over Tokyo ..Toshima's phone rings )

(*scene 1*)

( 7:30 am )

*ring ring ring .ring ring*

( Toshima wakes up rubbing her eyes and slowly answers her phone. )

Toshima ( tired ) - *yawns* hello ?

Man - Toshima it's your father we have to talk

( Toshima's eyes widen , then become depressed . She already knows what news she is about to receive )

Toshima - ..yes ..father . What is it

Father - well me and your mother have been thinking and we were a little hard on you three. You guys are still young and mistakes are bound to happen . So we've decided to let you three come back home .

Toshima - but father we-

Father - not another word . You three are to come back home ASAP

Toshima - but father we want to stay ! We love our new lives here..all the friends we've made. We can't just leave them !

Father ( frustrated ) - Toshima stop spewing nonsense ! *sigh* I'll give you guys till the end of the week ..NO LONGER . To pack , and say your goodbyes.

(Father hangs up the phone. Toshima throws her phone at the wall and puts a pillow over her face.)

Toshima ( thinking to herself )- ..how am I gonna tell Kyoko she can't see Sashi anymore ...poor Shiro ..she won't be able to see her best friend anymore..

(Shiro and Kyoko enter Toshima's room)

Kyoko - hey are you okay ? We heard something loud

Shiro - yea are you okay ?

( Toshima looks up at them) - there's something I have to tell you guys.

Kyoko ( worried ) - what is it ?

Shiro - what is it

Toshima ( hesitantly ) - father just called me ...he said we have till the end of the week to pack our things and say our goodbyes ..

( Shiro's and kyoko's faces quickly change to a look of disappointment .)

Kyoko - you're joking right ( voice raises ) PLEASE TELL ME YOUR KIDDING

Shiro - she has to be kidding

Toshima - I wish I wasn't ...

( the girls all huddle together and hug . A knock is heard on the door )

Kyoko - oh come in

( it's Sashi and casca )

Sashi - oh hey your already dressed . You guys ready to go ?

( Kyoko looks at sashi's face ..she begins to smile sadly )

Sashi - huh. Hey Kyoko !!

( Kyoko snaps out of it )

Kyoko - oh yea lets go umm there something me and Shiro have to tell you and casca

Sashi - what is it ?

Shiro - umm that we're-

( Toshima interrupts )

Toshima -all starving. Ugh I'm starved !!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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