The Beginning

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Amaris bit off a corner of her sandwich as Clara shared yet another anecdote of her life with the group.
"So, there I was on my broom, and I swear the pigeon just came out of nowhere! And it just attacked me!"
"But why did it attack you?" Ari asked, throwing a chip in Clara's direction. It bounced off her shoulder and slid to the floor. Clara picked it up and shoved it in her mouth. Adara gave her a pained expression.
"What?" Clara said innocently. "Five second rule!"
"Does that count in public places?" Ari asked. Clara shrugged and swallowed, grinning.
"Anyway, I somehow managed to keep my balance, but Merlin that bird was persistent. Long story short, that's why I can't look at Drooble's Best Blowing Gum without activating my fight or flight." She was met with silence.
"What does Droobles gum have to do with it?" Maisie asked. Clara looked away suddenly and shrugged. It was obviously a painful memory.
"It doesn't matter," She said quietly, and turned her attention back to her pizza, staring at it hard.

Amaris was about to change the subject, when one Harry Potter approached their table. He scanned the faces in front of him before settling on hers. "Miss. Cana?" He asked, nodding in her direction. Amaris's face warmed as anxiety suddenly flared in her stomach.
"Yeah?" She asked, her voice a lot smaller than she wanted it to be.
"May I have a word in my office? Don't worry, you're not in trouble," He reassured her as she stood. The table looked up at her, and Adara went to stand, too, reaching her hand out to rub Amaris's arm comfortingly.
"Just Amaris, please," Harry said, and Amaris smiled at Adara before she turned to follow Harry.

"Please," Harry said, gesturing to the chair by his desk, "sit." Amaris complied, and fiddled with her hands anxiously, taking in Auror Potter's office.
"Is everything alright, sir?" She asked. Harry cleared his throat.
"Yes, Amaris, everything's fine. There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about. Right, uh, how should I put this?" Harry rubbed his face wearily. "I know about your condition." Amaris's heart skipped a beat.
"My... my condition, sir?"
"Yes, your lycanthropy." Amaris focused on the spy glass behind Harry's desk, looking everywhere but Harry's face.
"I'm sorry, sir. I should've told you before I joined. I really appreciate this opportunity, I'll pack my things now." Auror Potter spelled the door shut just as Amaris began to pull it open.
"I'm so sorry, I think you've got completely the wrong message here," Harry tapped the desk nervously and started again, "I am aware of your lycanthropy, and I want you to know that you are still welcome at this academy." Amaris turned to face him, heart in her mouth.
"I mention this now, as I am very aware there is a full moon in four days time. I want to offer you any support I can. Do you have a plan for the coming moon?" Amaris blinked. Harry smiled encouragingly.
"Yes," she swallowed, "I mean, yes sir."
"May I ask what it is?"
"Probably the Forbidden Forest, sir. Or the basement in my parents house."
"Ah, right. If there is anything we can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask. Do you have any wolfsbane potion?" Harry asked.
"No, sir. I- I can't afford it."
"It's a good thing I can, then. Obviously it is too late to start the cycle now, but I can have some for you next month?" Amaris laughed, a sound almost like a sob.
"If that's not too much trouble, sir. I can't afford to pay you for it, though."
"That's not a problem," Harry waved her off, "I can get my hands on it easily."
"Thank you, sir. Thank you so much."
"You know, Remus Lupin was afflicted by the same curse. He was a brilliant man. Truly. But I have seen first hand how painful it can be. Through him, but also my brother and my son. Though neither of them are full werewolves like you, they both have wolfish tendencies. And full moons aren't..." he trailed off, searching for the right word, "pleasant for them."
"I'm so sorry, sir."
"That's quite alright, Amaris, it's not your fault. I just want you to know that you're not alone. And I will fight tooth and nail to make sure people like you are allowed to be aurors." Amaris sat down again, struggling to take in what he was saying.
"You... you will?"
"Of course. Amaris, not many people know this, and I'd appreciate it if it stayed between us, but I feel it's only fair to tell you one of my secrets. I know what it's like to not be in control. I was, for the first seventeen years of my life, a horcrux. Voldemort's horcrux."
"I didn't know people could be horcruxes."
"Well, apparently they can. I know how scary it can be to lose control. Which is why I hope you know my door is always open, if you should need me."
"Thank you so much, sir." Harry smiled, and nodded to dismiss her.
"Go. Enjoy the rest of your lunch. I'll see you for class later." Amaris thanked him again, and left.

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