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Alderwood glared at Adara as the grin melted off her face. "What makes you think it is appropriate to be talking about that dirty Horcrux in my lesson?" he demanded.

Adara gaped at him. Auror Potter, saviour of the wizarding world, was not a 'dirty Horcrux'. She went to open her mouth, but Hannah got there first.

"Auror Potter is not a dirty Horcrux, I can't believe you'd even say that!" she said indignanty.

Alderwood slammed his textbook down. "If you know what is good for you, you will not be so insolent. I can have you off this course in a second."

Adara said something very rude to Alderwood then, and was sent out the classroom 'to be dealt with afterwards.'

Adara was scuffing her feet on the carpet, muttering angrily when she noticed Amaris walk by. The girl was wearing a Ministry assigned cloak, which Adara thought was odd. "Hey, Amaris!" she called.

Amaris lifted her head, then quickly ducked it back down.

"Amaris!" Adara called again, and the girl stopped. "I didn't know you were out of the hospital wing."

"Yeah," Amaris nodded meekly, "I was just heading back to the dorms, I've got the rest of the day off lessons and I come back tomorrow."

"Oh!" Adara looked at her awkwardly. "Well, um.... your legs seem better."

"Oh yeah," Amaris let out an uncomfortable giggle, then trailed off. An unpleasant silence filled the air. "Anyway, I'd best be off," she said suddenly, and Adara nodded.

"See you tonight!" She said goodbye to her friend, and shoved her hands back in her pocket, watching as Amaris limped away. It was odd, she thought, how the girl had got so injured in such little time- and Adara knew that it wasn't from Auror Potter's spell, she just knew.

"How dare..." Alderwood had spittle in the corners of his mouth, "you speak to me like that. The insolence you have shown is outrageous."

Adara stared blankly at Mr. Alderwood.

"And what's more, this isn't the first time you have shown me disrespect," Alderwood paused, seeing that he was getting no reaction from the young girl. He walked over to his desk and pulled out a long, thin stick of wood. "Put your hands on the table." Adara looked at him as if he was crazy, which she truly thought he was. "NOW!" He roared.

Adara flinched slightly and placed her hands on the desk. Alderwood raised the stick, and brought it down with a sharp thwack on her knuckles. Adara jerked her hands away, shaking the pain off. "!‎حمار" she swore loudly. Alderwood glared at her.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing." Adara nursed her hands, defiantly holding back tears.

"Nothing, sir." Alderwood corrected her harshly. "Put your hands back on the table."

"No." Adara caught herself and quickly added, "No, sir,"


Adara slammed her hands on the table, partly in fear, partly in a jump response, and Alderwood raised the cane again.

Ari grabbed another sandwich and pushed it into her bag. Adara hadn't been present their entire break, and although it wasn't their lunch break yet, Ari could almost guarantee she'd have skipped breakfast and would be hungry. Just as she was leaving the cafeteria, Adara rushed in.  She looked... Ari wasn't sure how she looked, but this was the closest to sad Ari had ever seen her.

"Hey, Adara." Ari grabbed her arm, and Adara flinched. "Woah, hey, sorry!" She let go. "I got you a sandwich, I thought you'd be hungry,"

Adara smiled slightly and reached out to take the food.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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