chapter 15

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I stood on the doorstep to Louis' house. I could feel my heart beating so loudly I was almost sure Louis could hear it. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves and trying to stop my hands and knees from shaking. This was it, on the other side of the door was a woman who would potentially help me. On my right was the gorgeous boy who had captured my heart the second I laid eyes on his tiny yet curvy frame.

I was lost in thought about how everything was going to change, if it was for better or for worse I didn't know yet, but I was intent to figure it out.

Suddenly I felt a tiny hand crawl its way into mine. I look over to Louis who had a small yet confident smile plastered on his face. I looked into his pretty blue eyes and didn't see the pity I had seen in them before. I was happy about that... I liked having Louis in my embrace but I wasn't completely weak, and it seemed like he knew it too.

He tangled his fingers in mine and gently stroked his thumb over my skin. Somehow the gesture did reassure me a little, it was like Louis had magic touch. I nodded to him alerting him that I was ready.

He smiled and went on his tippy toes to peck my lips. I couldn't help but smile widely again, making Louis' eyes glisten with joy.

He reached into his pocket and pulled his keys out, opening the door. As soon as we stepped foot in the entry way a brown haired woman who I assumed was his mom marched up to us.

"Louis William Tomlinson! Where have you been?!!! I've been calling you non stop what is the point of having a phone if you never answer my ca..." her voice drifted off as her eyes met mine. She quickly straightened her back and raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"And... who are you?"

I cleared my throat and offered her a small smile.

"I'm Harry, Harry Styles..." I said to her extending my hand to shake hers. Her eyes widened and she smiled as she reached to shake my hand back.

"So YOU'RE the famous Harry my son has been talking about, pleasure to meet you!"

I looked over at Louis who was glaring daggers at his mother. I smirked slyly.

"Ahh, so you've heard of me? All good things I hope..."

She laughed and nodded her head, looking back between Louis and I.

"Of course, he talks about you ALL THE TIME... I've grown a little tired of hearing about your wonderful green eyes if I'm being honest but its lovely to finally meet you!" she said happily.

"Lovely to meet you too Mrs. Tomlinson..." I laughed as I looked back to Louis who was blushing a deep red color, so beautiful.

"ANYWAYS!" he interrupted before we had more time to embarrass Louis, "I know Lottie is sleeping at a friends house but where are the twins?"

"I dropped them off at one of their friends house as well, its insane I never even see the twins anymore and they're practically still babies!" she laughed and I smiled along, letting out a small chuckle, earning a grin from Louis.

"Anyways, is Harry here staying for dinner?" she directed her question to the both of us. We quickly glanced at each other and Louis seemed to spot my uneasiness and nodded to his mother so that I didn't have to.

"Yep, that's fine right?" he asked.

"Yes of course! Harry, you're welcome anytime!" she smiled warmly towards me. I smiled back and said,

"Thank you Mrs. Tomlinson."

"Oh please, call me Jay!" she answered happily.

"Thank you Jay..." I corrected myself.

"That's better... now I'll call you boys down when dinner is ready... it's just the 3 of us tonight so I'll make pasta, sound good?"

Louis and I smiled and nodded at the same time. She nodded with approval and set out to the kitchen.

Louis gently grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the stairs. I smiled as I followed him, holding his tiny hand into mine.

As soon as we arrived to what looked to be his room he collapsed on his bed and I took a moment to look around. Everything was neatly organized and his walls were decorated with multiple things, such as posters of bands, pictures with friends and album covers of what I assumed to be his favorite type of music. I liked his room, it was so happy compared to my dull grey one.

"Hey so I was thinking we'd tell my mum everything at dinner since it's only the 3 of us, is that okay with you or would you rather do it now?

"We can do it at dinner..." I said nervously as I looked down. Jay seemed like a lovely woman and I knew that no matter what happened Louis would back me up but that didn't stop the uneasy feeling creeping around in my stomach. Right then I really wanted to be back in kung fu class to blow off some steam. Louis broke my thoughts.

"Everything is going to work out Hazza... my mum will help you I'm sure of it..."

I looked back up to see him standing right in front of me. I nodded rather pathetically and took his tiny hands in mine, rubbing my thumb over his smooth skin. I looked back into his breathtaking blue eyes and found them staring right back into mine.

I leaned forward a little and pressed my lips to his gently. Our lips moved in sync once more, the both of us enjoying the taste of each other's lips. Me probably more than him though....

We pulled apart and Louis let go of my hands to wrap his arms around my bruised torso. I flinched a bit at the pain and when he noticed he immediately loosened his grip a little until I relaxed and melted into his touch, in turn, wrapping my arms around him.

It was then wrapped in each others embrace that I realized how lucky I was to have someone like Louis in my life. The fact that all those weeks when I pushed him away rudely and he still  never left my side was still so insane to me. I was so messed up and Louis was still next to me trying to help even if I was broken beyond repair, and I couldn't thank him enough for that.

Despite all my previous efforts to get him out of my life, I knew now that it was too late. I also knew for sure that I wanted him to be mine.

"Lou..?" I whispered quietly, my head still resting on his shoulder.

"Yeah Haz?" he whispered back.

I could feel my heart beating loudly in my chest.

"Will you be mine?" I asked nervously. What if he said no? What if I wasn't good enough for him? I'm probably not good enough, he won't say yes. Who would say yes to me, I'm a freak.

"You mean like... boyfriends?" he pulled away from me and I felt my heart drop from my chest. I should've known, but it was too late to back out, so I nodded while looking down at the floor, dreading hearing his response.

I felt a hand below my chin and soon enough my head was being lifted up and my eyes met his.

"Yes Haz, of course I will." He whispered while wearing the smile that make the crinkles by his eyes appear. I loved that smile.

I smiled back at him and leaned in to kiss him again.

He was mine. This wonderful, beautiful, caring boy. Was mine.

We lounged around in his room for a little while, talking, cuddling and stealing quick pecks from each other before smiling giddily, when suddenly I heard-

"Boys! Dinner's ready!"

The thumping in my chest resumed as my eyes widened in fear. This was it.

powerless - [Larry Stylinson] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now