"Mom, seriously?!"

"Yes, do you or do you not want to marry Y/n?"

"Of course I do, mom" he mumbled

"Gee, you don't sound too happy about it" Y/n said "I'm kinda offended Kei"

"Shut up"

(Yama pops up "Gomen Tsuki")

"I don't think I will" she smiled

"whatever" he 'tched' and picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and took her to his room

"be nice Kei!" his mother scolded

"I am! I could have dragged her" He shouted back

"Don't worry like I said when I came over the first time, this is normal"  she said, Kei hit her on the ass "owww!"

"Aye! It's the dead body again" Akiteru said

"Hey Akiteru!" She said from Kei's shoulder

"Would y'all stop with the PDA around me?" Akiteru asked

"Nope" Kei said and pinched the back of her thigh

"Owie! Keiii!" she whined

"Shush" he said

"Meanie!" She said and hit his back

"Ow! Hey!" He said


"Just go to Kei's room gosh damn it" Akiteru said, feeling very single (mood) and went into the living room.

"Gladly" he smirked, his tone kind of seductive

"Don't even think about that Kei!" Y/n scolded

"I don't wanna be an uncle yet!" Akiteru shouted

"What?!" Mrs. Tsukishima shouted from the kitchen

"Nothing mom!" Kei shouted and walked to his room and shut the door behind him and tossed Y/n on the bed and crawled on top of her

"Kei" she said sternly

"Who said I was gonna do anything" he said before plopping down on her

"Ugh" she groaned in pain as he landed on her "you're heavy"

"I'm skinny, that's impossible" he said snuggling his face into her stomach "I'm tired, Goodnight"

"Kei, you fat ass, get off me" she said attempting to push him off but he had is arms wrapped firmly round her waist

"Nope" he said but then rolled over so that she was now on top of him "this more comfortable?"

"Mhm" she hummed as she moved to lay her head on his chest "thank you"

"You're welcome" he said and kissed the top of her head. Soon after her phone started ringing. "You gonna get that?"

{Peanut}  [book 1: Is it love or hate?] (Tsukishima kei x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Where stories live. Discover now