"Whose side are you on?" asked a betrayed Elaina, making Klaus put his hands up.

"I'm just relaying the facts here, okay? I mean, it's not like you slept with Five or anything," he threw out with a wave of his hand. He looked over to the guilty look on Elaina's face as she cleared her throat and finished the rest of her drink. "Oh, my God, you little whore, you so did!" he stated with an ecstatic grin. "About time you cleared out those cobwebs,"

She gave him a dirty look. "Oh, shut up."

Allison made a look of disgust as she started to groan. "Eww, that's gross."

Elaina pointed a finger to the woman. "Girl, you have no room to speak,"

"I never slept with Luther!"

Vanya looked between the three before asking, "Aren't we all brother and sisters, or...?"

Klaus snorted at the question as Elaina and Allison tried to explain their individual situations.

"Well... technically, it--" started off Allison.

"'Technically'? If you have to word... use the word 'technically', you're already in trouble." laughed Klaus.

"Okay, how about this," said Elaina as she got up from her seat and walked over to Klaus, grabbing the half-full bottle of whiskey. "We're all adopted, not related by blood in the slightest. We all literally could've just been classified as roomies. God, I feel like a broken record each time I explain this," stated Elaina before looking to Klaus. "And if anyone is the original slut, it's you Klaus."

Klaus pointed to himself. "Me?" he asked innocently before shrugging. "Yeah, you're right. Hey, but did you tell Five that you lost it to some guy that looked like him?"

"I don't think he needs to know that information," said Elaina after refilling her cup.

Allison made a face as her and Vanya exchanged a look. "Was that on purpose?"

Elaina shook her head. "Complete coincidence, I swear," she stated before turning her sights back to Klaus. "And I told you that in confidence!" she said, smacking him lightly on the arm.

"Sorry!" chuckled Klaus as he looked at his sister. "But on a serious note -- was he good?" he asked, wiggling his brows.

Elaina was about to respond before she shut her mouth instantly, a smirk forming at the memory. "Shockingly--"

"Okay, on the list of disturbing things I don't want to hear, that's one of them," chimed in Allison. "Okay, okay, can we focus? I mean, clearly we're not saving the word tonight, but maybe, maybe, we could at least try to save my marriage."

Klaus was attempting to overfill his flask with the remainder of the whiskey before it started to overflow, making Elaina give him an exasperated look. "No! No, because that's like... that's like asking a nun how to hump someone's leg," he said, earning a confused look from the girls. "I mean, who in this room knows shit about relationships?" he asked, shoving a pointer finger to Elaina lips before she tried to speak. "And no, we're not counting your current relationship with the old man." he said, making roll her eyes, uttering a 'whatever' before taking a swig from her cup. "This one?" he pointed to Vanya. "In secret love with some farm Frau,"

"Her name is Sissy," she innocently informed the group.

"Which is an improvement on her previous love interest, the serial killer," he said, gaining a feverish shake of the head from both Allison and Elaina.

"What?" exclaimed Vanya as she looked between the two females.

"Later," whispered Allison, Elaina nodded in agreement.

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