"Ow! Hey what are you-" America cut him off as he pulled out his pistol and shot over and over again. However his attempt was all in vain as the bullets had no effect on the monster. It charged at America who froze in shock. "Watch out!! What the hell are you doing!!?" England snapped as It went to smash America with its giant arms. 

America closed his eyes and readied himself for the powerful blow. However it never came. He opened his eyes to see that a shining light was surrounding the monster.

"A barrier..... what the hell is this!?" America exclaimed. Every one watched in shock, even England who hadn't even moved.

(Its just like the one England used back when he sent us back here... But England didn't even do anything. It was as if it sensed America was in danger and automatically-!! If we assume... that it had been America for a long time... maybe it was England when we... England fought to his last breath for the sake of our future selves..) Italy thought sadly thinking about the situation. The shining light surrounding Them was starting to flash, making England realize he needed to take action.

"TAKE COVER!" England called out, giving the others enough time to take cover. The barrier vanished and he moved to stabilize it however it didn't work. "Its not working! Damn it! If only I could move!" England groaned as he gave it his all to stop the monster. America sat on the ground in shock as Italy moved to him. Italy saw that It had bitten America's shoulder. It must have happened when the barrier vanished.

"Are you okay?! It bit your shoulder, but..." He noticed something. " Your glasses flew off. Can you see anything?" He touched America's shoulder inspecting it, only for America to yelp in pain. "Oh, good, Its just cracked. If it had got eaten, that would've been the end of you! You're pretty lucky your bones are still there, at least" Italy said with a calm smile. America was pale as he bit back the pain.

"Stop scaring me, saying stuff like that.." America snapped almost in tears. Italy snapped.


"Italy take that useless git back to the second floor! You can lecture him later!" England snapped Italy out of his angered state.

"I'll have to be saved.... AGAIN!? Both the past and present.. I'm always..." America said almost broken. Italy stood up strait.

"Wait, I'm going to fight too! Sorry, America, but you'll have to stay here!" Italy said as he rushed over to England, leaving America in his thoughts. England grunted as he gave his everything to stop the monster.

"I'm not going to kill it! I'm just buying time! If we all try to run now, America will get caught! If I distract it while you help him, we're all more likely to save ourselves!" England Exclaimed.

"But England, You cant fight alone!" Italy cried out. Something ran past Italy leaving him shocked. With a quick jump, Japan swung his Katana at the monster, only doing little damage. He landed beside Enland pointing his sword at the monster.

"Japan!?" Italy exclaimed.

"Having said that, my strength is not infinite. Going through a series of battles has been hard on my body." Japan said with a tired sigh. England smiled.

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