The One Who Turned Back Time

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~~~~~(Present With Japan, Romano, and Prussia)~~~~

Team Japan went down from floor to floor. Looking at each wall, closet, nook and cranny in the house. Looking for any door or room that could be lead to the Annexe.  Eventually they made it to the first floor. Romano let out a sigh as he stared at the walls. They finally made it to the room area that kind of looked like a Japanese style dojo room. Romano was knocking on the wall, tapping and tapping listening to any sounds. Romano scrunched up his face, knocking on the wall again.

"Something wrong, Romano?" Japan asked.

"It sounded different when  I knocked here." Romano said knocking again to make sure he wasn't mistaken.

"Indeed." Japan said, perking up at the sound. Prussia went over knocking on the wall.

"Its not solid. There is clearly somthing here. Why don't we tear off the wallpaper?" Prussia suggested. Japan and Romano nodded as Prussia wedged his fingers between the wallpaper, wrippping it off in one fluid motion. Once the article was torn off a old worn out wooden door stood before then.

"A door.." Romano muttered in awe.

"You did well in noticing that it sounded different. There was also a door like this in the basement. Is this... the entrance to the annexe we heard of?" Japan asked as he tapped on the door.

"This is where Veneziano and (Name) is.... Right?" Romano asked with hope.

"Yes diffidently..." Japan reassured, though he himself was hoping he was right. Prussia looked at the door with a distant look, Japan looked at him. "And your brother too of course."  Prussia jumped startled.

"Huh!? Wh-what ever! I'm not worried about him at all!" Prussia exclaimed turning red.

"Me neither, You bastardo. I-I-I'm not worried about my stupid little brother at all-" Japan laughed lightly at the two, making both shut up.

"Yes, yes. Don't let your guard down. You're too mervous... huhu.." Japan said between small laughs.

~~~~(Your POV)~~~~

When we got to the piano room I lost all my energy and callapsed against the wall. I was breathing heavily and was paler then before. Germany grabbed my arm to keep me from falling to the floor.

"W-Whats wrong?" America asked. I looked up tiredly. 

"My energy was drained when we went back in time..." I sighed as my legs gave out from below me. 

"Steady frau." Germany mummbled as he helped lower me down to the ground.

"Are you okay? You and Italy got a head ache after the tremors." America asked then stated. I smiled.

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