Harsh Reality

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"He is such a interesting character." Japan sighed out as he slipped his phone back in his pocket. "May they also have a successful battle" He prayed out loud.

"All right, lets look for the annexe door now! Maybe that's where Ita and the others wound up! There is still hope!" Spain claimed with a bright grin, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Yeah, we'll definitely find them!" Romano stated with confidence. 

"Indeed, lets split up and find them."  Japan said pulling out sticks.

~~~(Time skip with Japan, Prussia, and Romano)~~~

"So, why on Earth are you two in my group again?" Japan asked with a tired sigh.

"Come on! It will be fun! There is nothing wrong with working with some new faces once in a while! We'll be the little brother search party!" Prussia exclaimed.

"I do feel kinda out of place... but whatever." Romano sighed. He snapped his head pointing a finger at Prussia with a annoyed face. "And we are not using that name!" Romano snapped.

"But then, wouldn't have made more sense for you to go with England instead of-" Japan shook his head. "Never mind.Shall we go then? It wont be a problem if we end up on the same floor as others." Japan said as the group left the room they had the battle in.

~~~~(Back in time with Italy and Germany)~~~~

"I think... Its about time everyone got together again. We'd better go now." Italy said shifting from one foot to the other anxiously. 

"Understood. By the way, if this is the second time loop... Does that mean America and the others are going to get killed?" Germany asked with an uneased expression. Italy frowned at the statement.

"Yeah.... (Name), America, England, and China...I'd like to help them, but.... I cant." Italy said biting his lip at the memory. Germany took in a sharp breath.

"Right... And you haven't found the journal, have you? We have to look for it too.." Germany  stated, making a mental check list.

"Thats right! We have to find it before the others do." Italy nodded, agreeing with the buff German. "We must have come to the past because of the journal. If we find it... I think... We'll be able to go back." Italy said thinking on it.

"Yes I agree. Well, then,  lets search for it. Carefully of course." Germany said taking a step to the door of the Piano room. 

"Yes sir!" Italy chimed as he followed Germany.

Both men left the room quietly. After looking each floor over on there way down they found themselves in the  hallway onthe second floor, still looking for the journal. Italy froze and grabbed Germany's arm who was looking down the hall in the other direction.

"Oh, no! They're right over there! Hide Germany!" Italy whispered screamed. Both men hid around the corner, listening closely to the ruckus that was going on.

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