Chapter Twenty-Two: Too Freaking Beautiful

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Hunter looked down at Anna, who was asleep on his couch. Her hands were curled by her face, her head resting on a pillow. He covered her with a fluffy blanket, resisting the urge to kiss her. Everyone had left at around one. Except her. She'd said that she'd stay to help clean up, but when he walked into the living room after putting the leftover food away, she'd been asleep. He didn't have the heart to wake her, so he just left her there and turned the lights off. He yawned as he changed his shirt, taking his jeans off and climbing into bed.

I wish I could have her. I need her. Frick all this wanted crap. That girl is needed.


Hunter woke up to the smell of bacon. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes and looked at his phone, finding that it was eleven in the morning. He groaned and got out of bed, remembering at the last minute to put pants on. How awkward would it be for Anna to see him in his underwear? He shuddered at the thought and walked into the kitchen. She was standing by the stove, her hair pulled up in a messy bun.

"Hey," he said, his voice low.

She turned to him and smiled. "Hi. Wow, I just love what you've done with your hair! You should go with that style on the next tour. Your fans will love it for sure."

He sighed and rolled his eyes, knowing that his hair looked ridiculous.

"I appreciate the input Anna. Why are you making breakfast?" He asked.

"Because you had me over last night with our friends, and you let me sleep on your couch with that amazing blanket. I'm just returning the favor. You're ok with scrambled eggs, right?" She replied.

He nodded. "Did you make coffee?"


He grabbed his favorite mug from the cabinet and filled it with coffee, adding cream and sugar.

She should cook for me every morning. I wouldn't mind if she didn't wear pants, that would be cool. I think the kitchen could use a touch of bare legs. Especially her legs. Man, she's hot.

He shook his thoughts out of his head as Anna set a plate on the breakfast bar for him.

"Thank you," he said, grabbing a fork.

"You're welcome," she said cheerfully.

"Why are you so happy?" He asked.

"I don't know," she said, smiling at him.

Just bring that smile all the way to my lips sweetheart.

She sat down next to him with her own plate and started eating. He tried to ignore the shock that went up his arm when her elbow brushed his. He was very tempted to kiss her in thanks for breakfast, but he settled for a simple, "thank you, that was delicious."

And you're delicious too. Stop looking at me, those eyes are killer. You're too beautiful for your own good Anna. Too freaking beautiful.


Please kiss me Hunter. You don't need to thank me for breakfast, just kiss me. That's all I need. You're all I need. I need you to love me. I really do.


Two Months Later:

Text Message From: Hunter:

Hunter: hey, are you interested in helping design the stage for the next tour?

Anna: sure.

Hunter: Cool, there's a planning meeting tomorrow. Can I pick you up at like Nine tomorrow morning?

Anna: that'll be fine.

Hunter: good! Planning will be more fun with you there.

Anna: I'm not sure about that, but you can think what you want.

Hunter: everything is better when friends are around. You're a friend. You'll be around. Therefore, it will be better with you there.

Anna: mmkay, I'm sure it will be fabulous.

Hunter: that's more like it!

Anna: you're cheerful even when you're texting. It's so weird.

Hunter: I'm just a happy person.

Anna: that's great.

Hunter: you should smile more. It suits you.

Anna: really? I like the intense unsocial look. I think that suits my personality better.

Hunter: smiles look good on everyone.

Anna: you would be surprised. I can make anything look bad.

Hunter: really? Somehow I haven't noticed that.

Anna: well you're a guy. Guys are completely blind. And idiots.

Hunter: yet girls still fall for us.

Anna: yeah, ok.

Hunter: no really! I can't even count the number of girls who are in love with me right now.

Anna: Hayniacs don't count you doofus.

Hunter: oh... Then I guess only one girl is in love with me.

Anna: yes, your mother is a lovely lady.

Hunter: ha ha, very funny Annabelle.

Anna: don't use my full name. It's annoying and preppy.

Hunter: no, it's really not.

Anna: yeah, it really is.

Hunter: well as much as I'd love to argue about your name some more, I have to go.

Anna: alright, bye!

Hunter: see ya tomorrow.

There is one girl in love with you Hunter. Me. I'm completely in love with you. With everything about you. And I have a feeling that this next tour will make an emotional mess of me.


"Is she coming tomorrow?" Matt asked as Hunter slid his phone into his pocket.

"Yeah, she is," he said with a smile.

"You should just ask her out man. Instead of secretly eye groping her," Sam advised.

"I do not eye grope her!" Hunter protested.

"You totally do. Whenever she's around, you totally get a bon-"

"Shut up!" Hunter said, cutting Andy off.

He was blushing fiercely. What they said was true, to some extent. Well, not what Andy said. That was just ridiculous.

But I do stare at her a lot. It's hard not to. She's so beautiful. And the fact that she has a delightful personality doesn't help me at all. She'll never be mine. I know it. She wouldn't like someone like me. It just wouldn't happen. She's too perfect for me. Too perfect. And too beautiful. I don't deserve a girl who looks like her. She's in her own category.

"Hunter please stop daydreaming a focus for a while," Steve said, bringing Hunter out of his thoughts.

"Sorry, sorry," he apologized.

He never really stopped thinking about her though. His mind was on the music, but his heart was with Anna.

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