Chapter Sixteen: .....Or It's Gonna Go Down In Flames

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Anna looked at her phone, checking the time. It was six in the evening, and she was curled up on her couch watching Seinfeld and eating popcorn. And Hunter was getting married. The ceremony was starting just about then. Anna had been invited, but had called at the last minute. She was "sick."

Sick of being passed over for that perfect bitch.

She knew she wouldn't be able to attend that wedding without throwing up all over the happy couple. She sighed and attempted to get lost in her favorite show. But she couldn't. The image of Hunter and Sarah was burned into her mind. A tear trickled down her cheek, and she wiped it away furiously. She would not cry over some guy who she obviously wasn't good enough for. She wouldn't. She refused to be broken about the situation. Nevertheless, she found herself sobbing into a pillow.

I'm not god enough. I never will be. I will never be good enough for him. There will always be someone better. Always.


Incoming Call From: Hunter:

Anna awoke to the notification popping up on her phone, and her ringtone loudly playing.



She sighed and accepted the call, wondering why he was calling her on his wedding day.

"Hello?" She said miserably.

"Anna.... Can I come over?" He asked, sounding desperate.

"Aren't you supposed to be getting married?" She asked suspiciously.

"Dammit Anna! Can I come over?" He asked, annunciating his question.

"Yeah... Yeah, sure," she replied, getting worried.

What had happened?


"She took the tickets and left. Didn't even give the ring back. She just left, with some guy I've never seen before," Hunter said hopelessly, sniffling like a child.

Anna tried to be sympathetic. She really did. She let him cry on her shoulder, and she told him that Sarah was a jerk. She allowed him to be upset. But inside, she was happy. It hurt that Hunter was crying, it did. But she had a ray of hope left now. Maybe, just maybe, she had a chance.

"She even took the cake!" Hunter cried, looking ridiculous in his half untied tie and disheveled suit.

"C'mon," Anna said, pulling him off of the couch and into the kitchen.

"Anna I don't want to do anything," he whined.

"We're baking a cake. Nothing like binging away your sorrows, right? Now, chocolate or vanilla?" She asked.

"Sarah's favorite was vanilla," he whispered.

"Chocolate it is!" Anna exclaimed, grabbing ingredients from the cabinets.

"There's a cookbook in that cabinet. Grab it and find a chocolate cake recipe," she instructed him.

He sighed bitterly and did as she said.


Hunter watched as Anna stirred the chocolatey badder in the bowl.

Why would Sarah do that? How could she betray me like that? She was so amazing and then... I thought she would be there for me. I thought I'd grow old with her. I thought we'd be a team. Apparently not. I wish she hadn't left. I miss her. I miss her smile and her lips.


What's Your Soulmates Name? Find Out Here!

The ad bragged that it could find out what your soulmates name was with ten simple questions. Hunter sighed and clicked the link.

If it's Sarah, I'm jumping off the balcony.

After he'd answered the strange questions, a name popped up.

He slammed his laptop closed, the name burned into his mind.

Not. Possible.

The screen had read Annabelle.

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