As they stepped off the ferry at exactly 5:00 they all realized something was wrong.  The air felt unusual, like there was almost a tang in it.

"Be careful, everyone.  Something is wrong here." Said Bruno.

They all looked around warily, searching for the stand user that was causing the issue as the ground turned to putty beneath their feet.

"Run, everyone!" Shouted Bucciaratti before taking off behind the rest of his team.  

The ground seemed to tear up behind them as they climbed a flight of stairs, escaping the chaos for a few seconds.

"Bruno..." Started Trish.

The team looked over at Trish, who had some type of mold substance growing on her arm.

"Giorno, take Trish into the turtle and heal her NOW!  This is the work of TWO stand users!"

Giorno and Trish went into the turtle, while everyone else ran to the closest car with keys inside it and sped off, leaving the two stand users behind.

Once everyone had caught their breath, Bruno explained the situation.

"I purposely made us get off of the ferry before it got to Rome because of the possibility of something like this happening.  I believe that this is the work of the stand users Cioccolatta and Secco.  I don't know much about them since they were not in Passione, but I've heard of them in passing.  They are both extremely powerful, so please be careful.

"Trish is alright, but she needs rest." Called Giorno from inside the turtle.

"Thank you, Giorno." said Bruno.

Just then, the car's tires spun, and the car flipped forward.

"Everyone, hold on to me!  We're making an emergency exit!"

Bruno made a portal with his zippers, then pulled everyone out of the car safely.

They were two blocks out of Rome and they had to run the rest of the way.

"This is Secco's stand!  We have to go, now!"

They ran for what seemed like ages until Bruno stoppped.  

"Fugo and Abbacchio," He panted, "you're with me.  We're ending this.  Giorno, Mista, and Narancia, go find Ciocclatta.  Take the turtle and protect Trish!"

The three ran off, leaving then to fight Secco alone.

A head popped out of the soft ground.  "You r-really think y-you c-can beat me?  My s-stand, Sanctuary, is more p-powerful than your st-stands comb-bined!"

"STICKY FINGERS!  ARI  ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARI ARRIVEDERCI!"  Bruno didn't mince words.  He punched Secco throwing him backwards, but because of the ground's substance, Secco just sunk into the ground, laughing.

Bruno landed a few more good hits, causing Secco to scream about his face.  

"Abbacchio, Bruno, step back."

"Wait, Fugo!  Are you sure you want to use it so soon?" Asked Abbacchio quickly.

But Fugo had already started to use it.  "You're gonna regret you were ever born, you MONGREL!  PURPLE HAZE!"



Giorno ran quickly, Mista and Narancia at his heels.

"Do you hear that?"

A helicopter was flying over their heads, spreading more mold spores.

"Run!  Up where the mold can't reach us!" Yelled Mista.

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