Second later, you see that you've gotten closer to the end of the corridor that leads outside the stadium and took this moment as a chance to act. You activated Kaori's quirk, slowing everything down to the point everything around you looked frozen. You climbed over the other students, walking on there shoulders. They didn't budge, but once you everything gets back to normal speed, they'll feel something. After getting to the other side, you ran until you came across the first obstacle— the robots. "Well, I could just walk pass these but what fun would that be?" You asked yourself with slight pleasure hidden in your voice. You used Ashido's copied quirk, emitting acid from the palms for your hand. You used the acid to burn the legs of a few of the robots you passed along the way.

You ran passed the last few and to the next obstacle which was a canyon with ropes leading from one rock formation to another. You observed the obstacle in front of you. "So this is the second course? It seems too risky to walk or crawl across the ropes, but I need a way across." You took a few seconds to think then quickly thought of a faster way through. You activated Sero's quirk and swung to the other side with no problem, then continued on to the next and final obstacle of the course, the mine field. Without a second thought, you ran across the field not worried about the landmines going off, being that you were still using Kaori's celerity quirk, so they aren't due to go off until after the time was back to regular speed. You kept running until you passed the field of mines and soon saw the finish line, or the entrance back into the stadium. 'Huh. That was quick.' you thought to yourself. You decided to go on and deactivate the celerity before finishing the course.

"The students are—! What's going on with the students?! They fell down over each other and—! THE ROBOTS ARE FALLING! THE MINES ARE GOING OFF!! IT SEEMS THERE'S BEEN SOME TYPE OF FAULT IN THE COURSE!!" Present mic shouted in both amusement and confusion. "Wait! WE ALREADY HAVE OUR FIRST FINISHER!! (L/N) (Y/N) FROM CLASS 1-A!!" The crowd was silent for a minute as they processed what just happened then cheered loudly. A smile slowly appeared on Aizawa's face as he watched you from the commentary booth. "You can smile again?!" Present Mic asked in a joking manner, covering the microphone so no one outside the booth could hear him. Aizawa stopped smiling and looked away. "Shut up. Focus on the game." Aizawa said in his everyday bland tone.

"Hey, isn't that the kid who was stopping villains all on her own?" Mt. Lady asked. Death Arms and Kamui Woods both turned a screen outside the stadium. "Oh, she goes here? Makes sense for someone like her." Kamui responded as they watched you on the screen.

You patiently waited and watched the jumbo screens as everyone else competed against one another. You started to wonder if they were aware that first place was already taken. As you continued to watch you saw that they were coming up on the final obstacle. Many people were struggling to get across, but Todorki and Bakugo were in the lead as you expected. Suddenly, there was a huge explosion in the back of the landmine, and shooting out of the cloud of smoke was Midoriya. "The two formally in the front have stopped trying to slow each other down and are now chasing Midoriya! Eraserhead your class is amazing!" Present Mic told Aizawa. Moments later Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugo came rushing into the stadium. "Copycat? How long have you been standing here?!" Bakugo growled. "If you were paying attention you would've heard that she got first a few seconds after we started." Todoroki said answering his question. "SHUT UP, HALF N HALF BASTARD! I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU! Besides, if you knew she already finished, why rush to the front?"

"To assure I had a spot in the top 43." Todoroki replied then walked away.

"Tch." Bakugo turned towards his attention to you and glared. "Don't get so full of yourself. I came here to win." The angry blond stated then walked away from you.

One by one, more people entered the stadium. "Hey (Y/N)!" You turned around and saw Sero. "That was awesome! We didn't even see you move!" He said with a wide, fascinated smile. "Thanks! I was—" You paused midsentence as you felt a pair of eyes glued to you and something told you it wasn't someone in the audience. You looked around and saw the better grape staring at you. It kind of weirded you out a bit, but you decided to brush it off by flashing a smile. "Who are you smiling at?" Sero followed the direction you were facing and saw the same guy who basically threatened the class. "Oh. That guy. He kinda gives me the creeps." Sero said rubbing his arm. "Yeah, but we don't really know him. He seemed really determined to get into our class, so who knows, he might make it in. It's best to show him we aren't all angry narcissists." You stated.

"The first game of the first-year stage is finally over. Now take a look at these results!" Midnight directed everyone's attention to the screens, which displayed the results of the obstacle. All of class A made it to the top 43— Aoyama barely making it. "Those of you who made it in the top 43 will advance to the next round! Here's the second game, I already know what it is." Midnight announced. The choices on the screen started to flicker again then stopped as Midnight pointed towards the screen. "Cavalry battle! Let me explain. The participant can form teams of two to four people as they wish. It's basically the same as a regular cavalry battle, but there's a slight difference. Based on the previous game each of you have been assigned a point value. Last place is only worth two points, but other than that, each value goes up by five, starting from the bottom. And the point value for first place is ten million!" Midnight explained. You could feel everyone staring at you, making you more nervous than you already were.

Midnight directed her whip to the screen and continued with the instructions. "You have a time limit of 15 minutes. Each team is worth the total of its members' points which will be displayed on a headband the riders will be wearing. Teams will rally up points by taking other teams' headband until time runs out, so be mindful and try to keep as many points as you can. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up, so the more headbands you steal the more difficult it is to see. More importantly, if your headband is stolen or if your team falls you're not out. And, like always, you can use your quirks. However, you will still get a red card for any attacks that are directed towards making people fall and you will be removed immediately! Now you have fifteen minutes to build your teams. Start!"

Everyone around you began looking for teammates to form their teams and seemed to be avoiding you— you are in first place after all. "Oh! What about Uraraka and the others?" You asked yourself. You immediately started looking around just to find them already joining teams and discussing their plans for the game. You were stuck once again. Time was quickly running out leaving you with six more minutes to find a team. You looked around at all of the other students, who were all in groups. It was then you realized every single person on the field was an enemy. You stood alone thinking about how you could join a team, what you could do, until you remembered something useful.

"The timer is about to run out and first place finisher, (L/N) (Y/N) is still without a team! Is she waiting the very last second to join one?!" Present Mic announced from the commentary booth. The timer finally ended accompanied with a buzz and you decided to go ahead and form your team. "I guess there's no way to not make this a bit weird, huh?" You asked, thinking out loud. You opened your mouth, allowing ectoplasm to escape from it to form clones. "What is this?! A team of clones?! Is that even allowed?!" Present mic shouted. "Well, there's nothing that said clones weren't acceptable. Her headband will remain at ten million to keep things fair." Midnight stated. Your clones all had the same copied quirks you possessed, but other than that, they could hold their own quirks. You climbed on top of your clones in the given formation and were prepared for the battle at hand.

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