-We're Here-

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You sat in the back of the bus beside Todoroki. You had a clear view of everything in front of you and could hear everything just fine. "Hey," Todoroki called to you. You looked at him letting him know he has your attention. "I saw you on the news yesterday and heard you defeated those Villains and the giant guy on your own."

"You were on the news (Y/N)?" Uraraka asked surprised. You looked back at her which was diagonally behind you. "Well....yeah. It's no big deal though, I just wanted to help." You told her. You traced your fingers across the scar on your cheek, reminded of the consequences from you being on the news, then looked at Aizawa.

What if we're the answer to each other's problem?

"We're here." Aizawa stood up as the bus came to a stop and you all got off. Space hero: Thirteen was already standing outside the building. "So it isn't Midnight." Mineta sighed in disappointment. "I've been waiting for you all. Now, let's go inside without further ado." The class excitedly followed behind the pro hero. When you entered the doors, you noticed the different zones there– a shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, etc,. "Whoa! This looks just like USJ." Kirishima said.

"This is a training ground I made with different types of accidents and disasters. I call it Unforeseen Simulation Joint or "USJ" for short." Thirteen told the class. Kirishima gasped. "This is USJ!"

"Thirteen, where's All might?" Aizawa asked. Thirteen and Aizawa isolated themselves from class the and started whispering. You wanted to know what was being said that couldn't be shared with everyone. "(Y/N)! Are you excited now?" Uraraka asked. "Actually, yeah!" You said with a smile. "Before we began I have a few things to say. Everyone, I'm sure you're aware of my quirk, black hole. I can suck up anything and turn it into dust." Thirteen said as she walked away from Aizawa.

"Of course!" You beamed.

"You've been able to use that quirk to save people from all sorts of disasters, right?" Midoriya chimed in.

"Yes, but it is a power that can kill easily. Some of you also have quirks like that, right? Don't forget that there are many quirks that are capable of killing with one wrong step. With Aizawa's fitness test, you found out about the possibilities of your own hidden powers and with All Might's person-to-person combat training, I think you experienced the danger of using those powers against others if you haven't already. This class is a fresh start. You shall learn how to use your quirks to save lives. You don't have powers so you can harm others. I hope you leave here with the understanding that you have powers to help others. That's all. Thank you for listening." Thirteen said and took a bow. The class cheered and applauded for Thirteen. "All right then, first–" Aizawa began but was interrupted by the lights blowing out. The water fountain spat water as if it were to stop working, then a deep purple portal appeared in front of it.

Aizawa turned around towards the portal with an alarmed expression. "Gather around and don't move! Thirteen, protect the students!" Aizawa said standing in front of everyone but held his arm out in front of you since you were closer to the front. "What's that!" Kirishima asked looking at the huge hole. People started to walk out of the portal, but nothing about them looked normal. "Is this like the entrance exam where the lesson's already started?" Kirishima questioned. "Don't move!" Aizawa demanded just when Kirishima and a few others were about to move. You looked up at Aizawa and saw him put on his goggles meaning this was serious. "Those are villains."

You looked down at the crowd of villains and one of them looked highly familiar. "Where's All Might? I thought he was supposed to be here." The familiar villain said. You suddenly remember where you seen him. "So they were the cause of the trespassing after all, huh? You were right to be suspicious, (Y/N)." Aizawa told you. "I can believe All Might isn't here. Oh well. I wonder if he'll show up if we kill some kids." The villain with the grayish-blue hair said thinking out loud. Aizawa activated his quirk and his hair and scarf shot up. "Thirteen, start the evacuation. Try calling the school. These villains had something to counteract the sensors. Kaminari, try contacting the school with your quirk too."

Taboo (Mr. Aizawa x student reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum