-Trial and Errors-

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The next day arrived and it was morning, but you didn't hear your alarm go off. 'Am I late again?' You quickly opened your eyes and grabbed your phone to check the time. It was only 6:18. You heard steps coming out of the bathroom in Kaori's room. You looked towards the bathroom entrance and looked at the person standing at the foot of your bed. Kaori had a toothbrush in her hand brushing away, then stopped to speak. "Wow. You're up early. Whelp, might as well go ahead and get up! Mom's making us breakfast before we all leave the house." Your best friend stated. You groaned in response. "It's too early to eat breakfast. Why am I even up?" You said in a sleepy tone, dragging out your words. "Maybe you were dreaming about someone...someone like your teacher~?" Kaori mocked remembering what you told her last night.

You blushed just from thinking about him. "No. If I did I would've told you." You said as you sat up. "No you wouldn't!" She shouted from the bathroom. You laughed knowing she was right. "Speaking of him, don't forget to get that picture today. I still need to see what he looks like." You threw the blankets off of you and swung your legs off the bed. "I never said today! If I remember correctly I said one day, so I'll just get one on a good day." You explained as you did a few stretches to get yourself ready for today. Kaori finally came out of the bathroom and looked at you with a 'mmhmmm' type expression. "Now me and you both know that you'll say "I'll do it tomorrow" then push it back over and over and over again until you completely forget about it." You looked away from her knowing she was right once again. "Alright," you told her. "I'll do it today."

You repeated your daily routine and went to the kitchen with Kaori for breakfast. It was 6:39 AM and everyone was gathered around the table to get ready to eat. Her mom and dad prepared an American breakfast– pancakes, eggs, bacon, and potatoes– which was different from what they cooked on the daily basis. By the time everyone finished their plates, it was 7 o'clock, the time you were supposed to be waking up. You didn't mind being up so early. At your house, you usually slept in or stayed in your room until it was time for you to leave so you wouldn't have to cross paths with your dad, but this was different. It was nice.

"Alright I have to get going! Love you all! Have a great day. (Y/N), don't forget. Bye!" Kaori said then ran out the door. Her family looked at you with curious looks on their faces, wanting to know what it was you shouldn't be forgetting, but they never pried. Soon it was just you and Kaori's grandmother in the house. "So (Y/N), you never answered the question we asked you the other night."

"W-what question?" You hesitantly asked.

"What school are you attending?" She asked as she stirred her tea.

'Why now? I don't know what to say. Kaori didn't want me to tell anyone. Could her grandma already know? If she does, then there's no point in hiding it from her.' You made up your mind and decided to come clean. "UA high school." You admitted with the slightest bit of confidence. "Do you know what that school may bring in the near future?" She asked you.

"Kaori told me it might bring unwanted attention."

"As in trouble," she notified. "You know that, right?" She took a sip of the warm tea in her hands. "I figured that's what you meant." You said looking at the ground. "I saw you. In the dream. I didn't nag you about it or tell Kaori's parents because I saw that you helped out a lot. You were one of the ones standing tall on the frontline. I already know you're strong, so I have faith in you." You looked at the caring old lady with a small smile, then gave her a hug.

It was now 7:23 and you decided to head out, saying goodbye to Kaori's grandmother before leaving. You walked around for a while to pass time, you didn't want to be in class too early. Moments later, you heard screaming and commotion not too far from you. "C'mon people, it's too early for this." You bleated before rushing to the scene. Once you got there, there was a crowd gathered around a guy with a gigantification quirk on a rampage wrecking buildings. You ran up to the front of the crowd. "Ryan! I'm sorry! Please calm down!" A lady shouted a few people over. You walked over to her. "You know him? What's going on?"

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