Part 81: Wedding favors and fireworks

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After returning to the Imperial Palace there was a surprise: From the last of Drogon's eggs, the golden-red one, a dragon chick of the same color had finally hatched. Daenerys immediately named it after her friend who was murdered by Cersei: Missandex.

Then it was time to hand over the wedding favors.

Arya handed over a copy of the nautical chart she'd made while sailing around the world. Sansa, on the other hand, had brought a large cask of a strong liquor known as whiskey. No doubt she hopes the Imperial elite will like it. Until now, whiskey has only been distilled by a few hill tribes in the North, but the Queen saw the potential for it to become a real export hit.

Bran gave the skull of the dragon Balerion, that survived the collapse of the Red Keep. Tyrion gave the bride and groom a copy of the book "Lives of Four Kings" - he had also given a copy to Joffrey, but he had cut it to pieces to demonstrate the sharpness of his new sword. Dany and Jon appreciated the book more.

Sam also gave away a book: "A Song of Ice and Fire" by Archmaester Ebrose. But the gift from Toyoda Reiko overshadowed everything: She presented the Empress with an ornate chest containing a golden dragon egg.

"Take this gift as a sign of our peaceful intentions", said the princess. "May there be friendship forever between the dragons of the west and those of the east."

Now the wedding banquet began. It dwarfed even the lavish wedding of Joffrey and Margaery. Not only the wedding guests were entertained in the most princely fashion, the citizens of the Imperial Capital could eat and drink as much as they wanted that evening at the inns at government expense.

That alone should consume at least a million gold crowns, Tyrion thought as he tried an exotic dish from Yi Ti. Apparently, unlike Tywin Lannister, Illyrio Mopatis really could shit gold.

Daenerys even used Drogon to entertain the guests: in a forecourt that was clearly visible from the terrace, she had the dragon fed. Six soldiers dragged a fat, struggling ox. A few meters away from Drogon the animal managed to break free, but then the dragon, which had just been dozing, jumped forward. The soldiers threw themselves to the ground while a jet of fire roasted the poor cattle alive. Drogon's huge jaws closed on the prey, the cracking of bones could be heard, and then it was over. Satisfied, Drogon curled up again as the soldiers withdrew.

Samwell Tarly turned pale as he watched the scene, while Bronn watched with interest and gnawed at a leg of mutton.

"Is that fair?", Sam asked a little later, while looking in the direction of the bride and groom who were sitting at the head of the imperial table. Jon fed Daenerys a little treat. The happiness of the two was evident.

"What?", asked Tyrion, who was staring at the bottom of his empty wine glass.

"That", said the Grand Maester and pointed to the bride. "Daenerys did all these terrible things - and now look at her. She has won everything - apart from Westeros: the man she desires, family happiness, power, wealth, a vast empire and the adoration of millions. Justice looks different for me."

"Well", said the dwarf. "After all, she died. Even twice."

"However, the people who were killed by Daenerys did not get a second chance."

"The world is just not perfect. You know, I think it's a shame that people in Essos don't know the custom of bedding..."

"Hello Jaqen", said Arya. "Or should I call you Rhaegar?"

The Prince, who was watching from a gallery as Dany's sons frolic in one of the courtyards while Jon and the Empress, who was holding little Lyanna, sat on a bench, turned to the Stark.

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