Part 42: An exhausting council meeting

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When Daenerys Targaryen entered the council chamber, she saw that one more person was seated at the large round table.

"Your Imperial Majesty", said Chancellor Doniphos Paenymion, after everyone had respectfully risen from their seats, "may I introduce you to Xandarro Qar Deeth?" He pointed to a lanky, tall man with pale skin and black hair. "With your permission, I would like to make him Imperial Secretary of State for Popular Education and Science."

"You are from Qarth, I assume", Daenerys said to the newcomer.

"So it is, oh most beautiful and sublime of all rulers", said the man. "Before your Chancellor approached me, I traveled to the countries of the Jade Sea and saw countless wonders there ... although none of them can measure up to you and your dragons. It is said that there are still dragons on the island of Leng, but the residents do not allow strangers into their country, so that I could not check the truth of this story."

"I think if there were dragons in Leng, we would know", Daenerys said. She glanced at Doniphos, who rolled his eyes behind Xandarro's back. The Qartheen had a strong tendency to flowery phrases and flattery and generally talked a lot. "If the Chancellor considers you suitable, that's enough for me. Welcome on board."

"Oh, thank you, brightest star in..."

"Xandarro will be useful to us in many ways", the Chancellor cut the man off. "But we'll talk about that later. First of all, there are other matters to discuss." He put a leaflet on the table. Daenerys froze as she glanced at it. The others were speechless too - all except Dimazza Yhae, the Imperial Secretary of State for Intelligence.

"The Free Cities League is spreading this filth since the uprisings in the Disputed Lands", said the curly-haired Ghiscari. "It is said that you repeated the example you set in King's Landing in Tyrosh and completely destroyed the city."

"But I wasn't even in Tyrosh by the time General Belano put down the uprising", Daenerys said helplessly. She stared at the paper and the picture on it, which depicted the Empress as a bizarre hybrid of human and dragon that ate babies alive.

"How tasteless", commented Xandarro Qar Deeth.

"That's not all", Doniphos growled and showed half a dozen more sheets of paper that denigrated either Daenerys personally or her soldiers as monsters and murderers. The text accompanying the pictures said, among other things, that the Empress would force the magisters of the occupied cities to satisfy her carnal desires by threatening their families.

"That the enemy is denigrating Her Majesty is actually no surprise", said Oraya Valeris, State Secretary for Justice. "And because of the King's Landing affair, people are more likely to believe lies about Empress Daenerys."

Dany struggled to calm down. She shouldn't care what absurd horror tales the war opponents spread about her ... but it hurt her.

"In any case, my staff will ensure that enemy propaganda does not spread through the Empire", said Dimazza.

"But it allows the enemy to mobilize more soldiers", said Grey Worm. The Field Marshal had completely recovered from the injuries sustained in the assassination attempt.

"That's true", nodded Dimazza. "The Six Kingdoms are sending seventy thousand more soldiers across the Narrow Sea, the North thirty thousand, so we're dealing with a hundred thousand more fresh fighters from Westeros. In addition, Queen Sansa comes personally to Essos. The Alliance has to plan something big. I have not yet been able to find out more details."

"Shouldn't we then do something to arm ourselves against a major offensive?", Daenerys wanted to know.

"We have several months left", said Grey Worm. "Time to train new recruits and find out where the enemy will strike."

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