part 1 of 1

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Have you guys ever read an amazing book? I'm talking next level amazing, a book so good and so incredible you're teleported in with the character and are following along with their journey. A book where you forget the real world because the book and its happenings are now your real world. Yeah well, I was reading one of those books. And I was lucky I'd found one or my flight would be a long, boring one. I am a high level attorney, yes that boring lawyer job where you have to read cases and find loopholes and figure out different ways of explaining the situation. I love my job. I do prefer to stay behind the scenes though, so my job is reading all the files and finding all those loopholes so that one of my colleagues can take it home in court. Now here's the thing, I do love a good verbal spar and the court room used to be my favourite playground. And I was good, scratch that I was damn straight amazing and heck yeah I still am, I mean how else did I reach my current level in my firm? But the higher you climb, the bigger the cases, and the more each side has to lose, and I guess I just prefer working behind the scenes now. And yes that is rare as hell, but I am that good. And no I'm not being cocky or arrogant or showing off, I am stating facts. I have to be confident in myself or how else would my clients feel that comfortable with putting their life, assets and affairs in my hands? Exactly. Confidence is a must in my game field. That is all context for my next statement. See I have to be buttoned up and proper in all actions and speech due to my job, my clients, and my role. So the only place I can really go crazy is through books because I get to live there for the time I'm reading. So my sinful desires are met often by fictitious heroes and brave heroines living out their fantasies. I would much rather be living them myself but my schedule doesnt really allow much time for fraternisation of any means. I got to where I am by working my ass off and I stay the way I am and where I am by continuing to work ass off. And that means early mornings, late nights, 7 day weeks and barely any time for holidays. See, this is where I will make it very clear that I absolutely love my job because I don't think I would be able to hack putting in this much if I didn't love what I did. So right now, I am flying back from a trial preparation, there's no way Mike wont take it home in court tomorrow. I prepared the best angle. Hes covered from every door, and I havent missed anything. I do my job and I do it well. I have uncovered everything about Brightson Architecture. Their manager, their CEO, their pasttimes, their contacts. We are covered. I dug out all the secrets on our client too so Mike should be prepping them with all the possible attack points that I also have filed away. This is my time to relax, the rare time. We needed to fly across state for this client, because hes friends with one of the Partners and I was told to take care of everything. And I did. I worked 7 days straight, day and night. I probably averaged maybe 10 or 12 hours sleep cumulatively over the past week. But trust me pressure from your boss' is a different level of motivation and it definitely sends your adrenaline pumping. But this 3 hr flight is the start of my weekend off. We are currently taking a break, for new years, and my boss threatened to fire me if I didn't take a holiday. So that brings you up to speed. Anyways my book is amazing, none of that 50 shades bullshit crap. True consensual kinky shit. And I am here for it. But I have the urge to pee. Don't you hate when bodily functions mess up your mood. Thankfully I got up from my aisle seat and the time was on my side, it was a midnight flight and most people were knocked out. So the aisle was clear. And here begins my bad decisions. I was too wrapped up in my book I walked down the clear (thankfully) isle and got to the end of the aisle. I spot a handle in my peripheral vision and moved to open ii and it opened so it wasn't occupied but I kid you not I closed the door and moved to lock it without looking up. It was weird with an actual key lock not the usual slider of normal airplane bathrooms but I was still engrossed in my book. My body decided to let me know I needed to pee desperately again though so I turned around ready to relieve myself and was met with a bare chested man, staring at me. The next seconds were a blur, adrenaline kicked in and my memory went to bed. I dropped my phone accidentally and ran out hurrying to the back of the plane for an actual toilet where i could catch my breath and smack myself for being so embarrassing. Once inside the bathroom, I realised I dropped my phone and now I was phoneless. Thankfully this whole debacle meant I peed rather quickly and was now contemplating how to get my phone back. I was in the business section and then an announcement came out
"Excuse me passengers sorry to disturb your sleep. We have a phone that has been dropped on the way to the bathroom. Please could you come up to the front of the plane to pick it up?"
Thank god. I moved to get up and walk down the still clear aisle. The short PA announcement did nothing to wake my fellow business class passengers.
I go to the front of the plane and dont see anyone so I move in closer and move around the front area before I am yanked back into a door. A hand is over my mouth and I am facing the door
"Dont scream" his voice was deep and silky and it hit all the spots inside me
"You've got the wrong woman buddy if you're expecting me to scream. I'm a lawyer I'll just sue you for inappropriate touching and partial kidnapping."
"Hmm she's a smart one too. Well then Miss Lawyer, shouldn't you also take into account violating my privacy, entering areas that are specifically labelled not for passenger entry and also a lack of a polite response. Or any response at all. Okay the last ones a reach, but you started this whole thing. And if you want to play hardball should I just keep your phone as leverage. The reading material is oh so intellectual.
'Sandy was restrained spread eagle on the bed, allowing him to see every aspect of her for however long he chose to. She wriggled around and thrust up into nothing, the blindfold doing nothing to aid her in finding him. She tried to call out his name but the ball gag jumbled her words. "Tut tut tut kitty, no speaking unless spoken to, do i need to remind you." she shook her head'"
"Stop. Fine. What do you want?"
"I would like an apology and you to make it up to me"
"Fine sorry. There. Now give me my phone back"
"That doesn't sound sincere, or polite and I would like to be properly addressed."
I rolled my eyes, this cocky asshole.
"Im sorry sir for invading your privacy and prolonging my apology. Should this apology meet your standards, might you return my phone to me please sir"
"Aaah so she is capable of being polite. Okay, strip"
"Excuse me? what the fuck do you mean strip? I'm not going to strip. Who the fuck are you to tell me to strip? Fuck this. I'll deactivate my phone and buy a new one. Go to hell asshole"
And then I was pressed against the door with a hand around my throat
"I don't appreciate being sworn at kitten. You are the one in the wrong here. You verbally agreed to apologise and make it up to me and now you want to swear at me and insult me. I think not. You have lost your right to speak of your own choice and will. The only thing leaving your mouth that is acceptable are moans and whimpers. If you are spoken to, you are to respond in a polite manner and you will refer to me as sir. Is that understood?"
I nod
"I want a verbal response kitten. Make sure its polite or I will gag you."
"I understand sir"
"Good" he moves away my neck missing the feel of his hands.
"Strip. I hate repeating myself. I will not ask a third time, nor will I be responsible if your clothes are ripped"
I move to unbutton my blouse, but I wasn't moving fast enough
"Quickly. I am a pilot and I have a job to do unless you know how to fly a plane too"
I drag the top up off my hard disregarding the rest of the buttons. My heavy bust is straining against the lace of my cups. I drag my zip for my skirt down and wiggle that off my generous bottom leaving me in my matching baby blue lace set and stockings and heels.
"I dont believe I said stop."
I falter. He didn't honestly expect me to completely strip
"It comes off at your hands or my claws kitten, 3, 2"
I move to unclasp my bra the usual routine passing quickly and begin to roll the stocking down my legs. I step out of my heels and then remove my underwear. I felt empty and bare and naked well I was naked but it was different. And then *click*
"You're a sight to behold kitten. This picture will go to all your contacts if you stop being cooperative"
"That one's just for me"
"Okay lets move to the front. I've left Ben on his own for too long. Hey Ben, you can go take your break"
I hide behind the man his build wide enough to cover my build entirely. But I know he'll see my clothes on his way out. Which makes me blush and bury my head into the man's back
"Thanks James, have fun"
And what a nice back it was. Strong, built, firm and sturdy. James was the name of this man. He sat down in his seat and tapped his thighs. I blinked back at him blankly. He pulled me to him by the back of my chunky thighs
*pause* i realise you guys don't know what I look like. I am not a Riley Perrin kind of lawyer, I'm more of a bonnie wheeler build. I was built with curves, not huge ones but I think I look quite good in body cons. Got a nice waist and a nice set of girls. I personally think they're small but im happy that they're not flat. I'm not saying flat is ugly or any less beautiful I'm just not petite or small and even though they're not huge they're a cute little handful. (And yes my hands are small but shhh uwu) I would say I have a pear shape and thats why high waist skirts are my vibe, they hug my hips and ass perfectly. I have brown hair with ginger highlights that are natural. Its weird I know, but there are gingers in both sides of my family even though my parents are brunette and blonde. Im 5'1 and I love heels, perhaps because I'm so short and wearing a good 4 inch heel makes me a normal height. Trust me meeting with clients and other lawyers , I interact with a lot of tall men, and the idea of constantly craning my head is absolutely awful. At least in 4 inches or when I know the client is really tall my famous 5 inches it just helps me stay relatively neutral in the craning head field.*end pause*
I fall onto him straddling him, my nipples pointing straight out and the feel of his rough lapels against the sensitive skin making me moan. My hands automatically splayed out to stop my fall but his chest was hard and developed under my feel.
"enjoying yourself kitten?"
His voice against my ear made a shiver run down my spine all the way to my pussy which gushed. *spank* My ass stung.
"I asked a question, its only polite to afford me an answer"
"Yes sir"
i forced the words out. The whole situation leaving me breathless and a bit fuzzled in my head.
He then reached around me and began doing what pilots do. Dont ask me. I know nothing about pilots i could feel every slight shift of his hand as it brushed against my waist with every movement so I knew he was doing something. Being completely bare against him was really doing something to me. I began to grind on him, the roughness of his uniform trousers feeling amazing against my hot wet pussy. I could feel his junior responding as well he thickness pressing into me making me all the more wanton. My head was in his neck and my hands had moved to remove his jacket, i unbuttoned the two buttons and then slipped it off his broad wide shoulders. His shirt was like a second skin.
"Stop moving kitten. You dont get to cum. This is you making it up to me, not you getting off using me. I can feel your hot pussy even through my pants. Youre making a mess, youll have to clean it up"
I didnt know what to do I got lost in my horniness, i am a 25 year old virgin. Not out of choice though, getting where I am took all my time and effort, i really had no time to date and a rando sticking his dick in me for a night never seemed appealing when a vibrator and dildo could do the job as well. I was confused as to what to do but i guess he just wanted someone warm sitting against him and some eye candy. I took my time to just look at him. He is a beautiful man. Thick beard. Piercing blue eyes. Head full of black luscious locks. He felt hard everywhere, his thighs, his chest his back, his dick. I have a thing for forearms so i tried to subtly unbutton his cuffs and folded it up. He looked down at me for a second and I stared back up innocently. I did the same with the other and lord his forearms were fine. The veins all lovely and veiny. Yes I am weird but veins are sexy. I was good I had resisted grinding against him for the past ten minutes and had occupied myself with other things. Then my hands move up to comb through his hair, the type of hair you could pull when he's eating you out. You know that type of hair ladies. Or the one you could clench when he's biting into your neck. Yes. He had that type of hair. And then i moved to his neck, which was hidden from view by him pristine collar and work tie. I loosened the tie pulled it down before unbuttoning the top few buttons exposing his delicious neck to me. This man was absolutely beautiful. I move to kiss his neck and my temptations got the best of me I end up nibbling and biting and kiss my way along his neck and then there's a hand in his my hair and my head is yanked back and tilted up.
"You really don't know how to listen do you kitten"
"I'm sorry sir, im bored"
"Well we can't have that now can we"
I heard the door open again and hid myself in James neck. His partner returned to sit down
"Ben ill be back"
"Take your times James no rush, i caught a leak so I'm set for a bit"
"thanks man"
He then stands up with me wrapped around him, my legs automatically locked around his waist and walks me to the door he picks up my pile of clothes and shoes in one hand and moves to leave the pilot cabin. My head was in his shoulder still but i caught a glimpse of curtains that shielded the seats from our entrance to that sleeping staff room i thought was a bathroom
I was then unceremoniously dropped a bed and it was a bottom bunk.
"Play away kitten. You said you were bored but this Is to make it up to me so entertain yourself and make it up to me."
All my boundaries questions and qualms disappeared. This gorgeous man was in front of me giving me free reign. I was already naked and my confidence just got a boost. I leaned forward and sat up on my knees reached out to grab that loosened tie and used it to pull him closer to me. I continued to unbutton the remaining buttons on his shirt. Entranced by every inch of glorious skin revealed. It was like a candy shop and I was the only customer given free reign to eat anything I want. I dragged the shirt off his shoulders revealing to me the hidden muscles that I had felt earlier. He was a fucking masterpiece. He had the kind of body you would break the law for. And it was all mine for now. I dragged my nails down his chest and went to his belt buckle. I removed it and left it on the bed in reach. Undoing his button and fly i dragged the material past his ass and let it fall to the floor. He kicked off his shoes and stepped out of the trousers. I used the tie to pull him on top of me before flipping him over. And yes you can flip a man over if angle it right. Those self defence lessons have some sexy applications. No I was straddling his legs while his co-pilot saluted me. But he said I could have fun so how can I miss the appetisers. I started with his face and nibbled across those lips. I continued on to his ears and nibble along them before moving down to his bare neck. I never knew necks could be thi sexy. Thick and firm his whole body was carved to perfection. Is this what all pilots look like maybe I should change my career. Not that lawyers didn't look after themselves, cuz there are definitely gym buffs in my firm as appearance is a huge thing in my field. Appearance is everything to some extent. I have sucked my way down his neck and reached his chest . And what a mighty chest is was. Wide, firm, strong. It was the kind of chest you wanted to curl up on and im not a small girl but it made me feel like I could curl up on it. His chest had this sexy tattoo on his left pec. His pec jumped under my scrutiny. Jt made me jump. I continued looking and then right pec jumped. I was fascinated. I put both my palms on his pecs and they jumped in pattern before jumping simultaneously. Then i heard a chuckle.
"you are a literal real life kitten, with claws and teeth but easily entertained."
"shut up" i was blushing now
I moved my head down and traced the tattoo with my tongue and when i got to the nipple I bit down causing him to spank my ass and grip it in response and growl.
"So you're the one who cant handle pain, i see"
"Turnabouts fair play kitten so enjoy your playtime; because Im planning on enjoying mine"
His words went right over my head because I was giving the other nipple some bites and soothing licks, i moved down the middle of his chest and met his packs. And i gave each one a peck, a bite, and a lick to sooth. It was quite fun. I got to his bellybutton and blew on it causing him to shiver and then i moved past it to my main prize for tonight. His co pilot was caged but not very well. By the looks of it his boxers were strained to the point of no return. But alas, i had come to save him. I licked the head over the boxers and the blew on the wet spot making James hips jump off the bed. this is power. If this is being in control. I understand why everyone wants it. Feeling bad for the little guy i dragged the boxers off him helped by James raising his hips and then there was no barrier. I was face to face with a mighty cock. And might i say it was beautiful. thick long and smooth. The veins that run across it were angry and pulsing.
"Are you done looking? Are you done playing because id be happy to take .o.... "
I'm not going to lie i could hear words being spoken but nothing was registering. There was a drop at the end and i was like a cat with cream who couldn't resist tasting. My tongue licked up the drop and the sounds from him speaking stopped. It wasn't too bad. I needed more results to make a reliable conclusion. I kissed his head and felt the slight jerk of his hips looking up from his dick i could see the control on his face. He was trying very hard to control his body responses but he was no longer the pilot. I was. And his body was in my control. I may not have had any experience with a real life dick but YouTube and a banana happen to make for some interesting past times when you need a real life concept to relate certain things to *cough* how those girls deep throat eight inch dicks *cough*. Surprisingly thought none of that was on my mind. Its like a really big lollipop. you know the ones with the filled centres that you have to lick all the way to get to it. And right now all I wanted to do was get to that centre. I licked up and down that lolly. And then wanted to lick it all and that is how i ended up with his head in my mouth. With my tongue having a party. I started spelling my name on his dick because it was owned by me right now and then i hollowed out my cheeks and went a little deeper. But i got scared. See a banana is my control and it doesn't push me beyond what I can handle because i control it. And this banana popsicle is attached to a man, who can very well control me completely based on the events of this past hour. And just as i was moving off, I felt his hand move into my hair and there he was telling me where I had to go. And then i kid you not i don't know what came over me i went down again with his hands in my hair showing me how much I effected him; I was motivated to effect him more and get the best response and reaction ever him cumming in my mouth, and I felt it. his thighs tightened up and his cock pulled and jerked in my mouth. And then I was choking to swallow everything he was releasing. Just as I got my breath back I found myself flat on my back him hanging above me. A sight to behold. Looking like a predator, a wolf, watching his prey ready to attack
"My turn" he growls out. And I am not exaggerating when I say growl. He sounded animalistic.
"Ill be generous. You are allowed0 to cum as many times as you want." Unfortunately his words were accompanied by an evil glint in his eyes.
Then my mouth is invaded by his. His tongue mapping every plane in my mouth. And then just as I start responding back, his lips have moved to kiss a pass from my lips across my jaw to my ear and then hes nibbling and pulling. Evoking moans and sighs out of me. I didnt know if I wanted to pull away from the assault or ask for more. He was then soothing my ear with sweet long slow strokes and then he was moving leaving butterfly kisses across my neck. My ear was hot and alive. I didnt know ears could be so sexual. He was at my other ear, not leaving it out of this sexual exploration. If he spent enough time, I think he could draw an orgasm from me. From my fucking ears. Hes a god with his mouth. He then set my skin there afire before kissing sweetly down to my neck and I was arching my neck giving him complete access. But then he bit down making my back arch into him. And he was suckling and soothing and sucking on the skin. Abusing my neck, but I was loving it. He stopped at one spot only to move a little to the side and resumed again. I'm sure I have a collar of love bites waiting on my skin. And then just as if it had a lead attached to it he kissed a path down to the centre of the valley between my breasts. And I was arching off the bed into him. My skin was so sensitive there and then he kissed and sucked a path into my skin to my nipple and the other hand massaged my other breast, his thumb pinching and and brushing against my nipple. Double assault. His hands were incredible but his tongue was downright sinful. He licked nibbled and bit down sending a jolt straight down to my kitty kat. I was writhing and moaning under him,but his tongue was unrelenting. And then he swapped and gave the other nipple the same lascivious treatment and then I was crashing. His tongue brought me to the edge and took me over too. And then he was kissing his way down my belly. This man did not stop at all. And he legit just kissed a path down my soft belly. He finally reached the place that was feeling empty.
"Arent you a pretty kitty, my kitty has a pretty kitty"
"If shes so pretty why dont you pet her"
"Dont rush me kitten, my playtime my pace."
He kissed his way all around my kitty sucking love bites onto my inner thigh drawing those deep sensual moans out of me. Then finally something is there not his mouth not his tongue but his breath. It ghosts across my nether lips and brings my clit alive. And then he was peeling me open and blowing directly on my clit, the direct attack had me convulsions in pleasure. Yes, from one blow, he had me crashing again. And did he stop, I was oversensktive, writhing and trying to move away, but this man ate me like I was his last meal. His favourite meal. He had my hips pinned down with his hands but as I moved away, he moved his hands to wrap around my thighs and hold me into place. I couldnt take it, my toes were curling, I was panting and then even as over sensitized as I was I felt the climb again. Against my own volition, he had complete control. He fucked me with his tongue, swallowing down all my juices, and gave my clit the most attention shes ever had. And I'm no stranger to the rabbit dildos with the clit attachments. Just because I dont have time for men doesnt mean I dont have time for myself. And then I was grinding into him, well as much as I could, his grip was firm and strong and so they were like mini pulses. And I was moaning his name again falling over again. But did he stop no he didnt, then his forearm, that lovely veiny forearm, was latched across my hips pinning me to the bed below while he looked up with mischief.
"Now the real fun starts kitty"
I let my head fall back and sigh. This man is going to kill me. And then I feel pressure down where I was feeling so empty, this man is the devil never actually filling me up. Just teasing with his fingertips. But I spoke too soon, I think even his fingers are thick and lock reaching places I could never without toys. And then he curled just the write amount and brushed up against that spot that had me confused about moving closer or getting away. Then he was fucking me at a brutal pace. But it wasn't enough
"please just fuck me already"
My voice was hoarse and whiny. He was like the waiter bringing out everyones hot chocolatey gooey chocolate souffles and passing me making me want it before going past me to the one who the souffle was from yes a tease. And yess this man is sinful and delicious like the best souffle striaght from the oven that smells like pure decadent sin. And then his fingers were out of me and I felt something bigger, pressing against me. I moved myself up to sit up so I was eye to eye with him,
"stop teasing me . Fuck me. Please. I need it."
And then it was like a flip switched. And he followed me down till I was laying back against the bed with him hovering above me and then looking in my eyes this man fucked me. Hard. Brutal. Deep. And it was so fucking delicious. I was moaning, and gasping. No play time with my toys ever made me feel like this. The placed he reached, he marked my insides. And then I was cumming again as his thumb thrummed against my clit in time with his thrusts. And as I felt my walls tighten around him I felt him burst inside me. I was done. He destroyed me. No man or toy could ever touch this. Then all too soon I felt the weight lift off of me and a blanket being thrown over me. He then puts on his clothes but not before coming close and kissing my forehead and handing back my phone
"my number is in there kitty. Use it. Im getting off at New York too so dont plan on getting any sleep."
And then suddenly I was back on my high, I was going to see him again.
"if you dont use it I will call you and then you will have a real punishment little girl, i didnt want to scare you on your first time round. Losing your v-Card shouldnt be a punishment"
That sent singles up my spine. Yes even after all that. His voice had a direct connection with my pussy. My body was his.
"Hope you didn't regret it. Because I loved it. You're welcome to stay in here and sleep it offf but I've got to help Ben. Dont worry I will be back. I'll wake you when before we land. Good night kitty"
Guess an attorney can have a romance too.

The Mile High Club *ONE-SHOT* *MATURE* *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now