3. A World Among the Stars

Start from the beginning

“Well yeah, you did all basics kinds of stuff, but forcing people to eat a raw corpse, making people addicted to weeds, and punching wild animals randomly? Is that what you did for the worst?” I didn’t mean to roast him, but all he’s doing is all of that. The chat reaction is becoming wild, filled with laughing emotes, and saying “ROASTED”. And, he replied, “Just explain the rules and play the game already.”

“Alright alright, back to the explaining. There are no complicated rules, just put the game difficulty to the hardest one and set it to commitment mode so I can’t load and save anytime also, set the storyteller with Randy Random. The most random guy in the world. And by this, Joel and anyone who’s sadistic loves to see me suffering.” 

“But enough talking, let’s just jump to it.” And then, the character making.

“And here it is, The colonist. Joel told me to add his character in my game and copy the exact skills. And then I can add my own character. So wait a minute and let me do that.”

A few moments later, I have done it. “Alright, I’ve done it. So, Joel’s character is focusing on Shooting, Melee, and Social. So with that, I’ll just fill the cracks. I’m focusing on medical, cooking, crafting, and Intelligence. Also, I give it some shooting skills for self-defense. My character is good at plants but got no passion. I name it…, hmm, so what will I name it? Should I just name it myself? ‘cause apparently Joel did the same thing.” I ask the viewers, which is replies “Just name it yourself.” “Okay then, sure.” I named the character myself. 

Eihiko “Hiko” Raikou.

“Let’s start it. I call it… A new Progress.” And the game started.

The two colonists spawned at a mountainous area with trees in the area. There are also some soil tiles that are good for plantings crops.

“So…, here we are. We’ve spawned into mountainous terrain. With some quite decently trees in the area. Which is good for making furniture, but neither one of us is good at constructing. So, we gotta find some ruins that just needs some repairs. And fortunately enough, there’s a ruin over here. Let’s make it into our base and add our stockpile zone. And yeah, we sleep on the floor until one of us got some construction skills. Which is going to be me. Let me just rebuild this ruin into a habitable place for us.” by rebuilding, I mean fix all the wall and making a wooden wall at the missing place.

“And with this… all the basics done. Now we will get the food sources and researching. Set the plant zone, plant some rice, and done. Now to researching. Make the research table, make a stool in front of it, add some torches, and done. Assign me to do a research project and research battery first. While I’m researching, Joel go hunt some hares outside. Take the Kar98, and don’t forget to take the bullets too if you playing with Combat Extended Mod. And now, wait for me to finish this research project.” 

A few minutes later, in-game Joel has been hunting several hares, waiting to be butchered. My in-game character needs a little bit of time to finish its project. And there’s the pop-up telling me that it’s done.

“With the battery is finished, time to develop electricity. Make a wood-powered generator, make the batteries and connect it, and just need to set the cables. Don’t forget to make a room for your power generator. Its to make it neat to see and covered when it rains. Moving on to the next research project, smithing. Once when this is done, I can train my crafting skills, I could do make some clothes too though, but we still got no leather or clothing.” Then, a red pop-up came. It’s a raid.

“And the time has come, our first raid in this progress.” Jumped to the location where the raider is, the group of the raider are two peoples, one of them bring a pistol with good tier and the other one bringing a knife. They coming from our Northeast. And they also attacking immediately.

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