4. Nature's Surprise

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"Anyways, that's all for today. Thank you for staying here and for the generosity that you guys given to me. And I'll see you guys in the next stream. Peace out!"

I clicked the stop streaming option. I guess I did become a streamer huh? Well, I had fun doing it, and the others enjoyed it too. No harm's done.

Then, my phone rang. I picked it up and see who it is. It was Joel.

"Hey man, how is it going? Enjoying your activity?" He said.

"Yeah, it was fun. Chat is going easy on me and nice. It was fun." I replied

"Good. Nice to hear. We can try to collab sometimes if you want though."

"That's cool, I'll keep that in mind."

"Alright, see you later. Just stream when you want, ok? Oh yeah, you might wanna be updated right now, there's a piece of breaking news in your area."

"Yeah, I'll check it. See you, Joel." I hang up the call.

Breaking news, huh? Must be crucial, living in a town like this. But yeah, let just check it.

Where is it... ah here it is. "Wild Bear Sightings Has Been Caught." This is pretty unusual I must say. Bears should be hibernating this season. But that doesn't mean they're asleep. It must be bothered by something. But, did people do something to them though? There's no other news related to this case. Normally, people don't want to do things to nature. Well, at least for North Mount residents. Humans gonna be humans after all.

But let's get back where we left off. The most possible thing that could've happen is because of nature itself. An event happened between the bare and something else. But what is it? I don't want to make any assumptions though, but are the wolf have a connection with this event? Grey one did have injuries when I found her. But is that it? I don't know it yet.

I shouldn't think about it too much though. Let's just hope they're safe and I can take my precaution about this. I take a look outside and its gentle snow out here. Hope they're okay right now.

But enough of that, let's just move on. What do I do now? Hmm, playing guitar couldn't hurt right now. Guess it settles. I'm just gonna play guitar and call it day.

The two wolves back to their journey, wandering to the unknown destination that awaits them. But never did they know, those of all destination has never existed. What is awaits them, is their path. One must cross the path, one must take another path. Waiting for them, to take their route, and to be separated.

I got chills from out of nowhere. Has something happened? Hopefully it didn't happen. But knowing my life, I should've not expected something like that.

In the end, all I can do is just wait and hope.

I let out a sigh and placed my guitar back. Alright, I guess that's all for today. I want to stream again tomorrow so better keep track of what I've been going to. I wonder how the wolves doing, it's not even a day yet but I keep thinking about them. Is it because of the bad feeling that I got? Damn, I gotta stop overthinking man.

Time flies so fast when you got something to do. I can see the sunset over here. I need to turn on the light and prepare my dinner.

I turned on my lights, is much brighter now. And for dinner, what will I choose? Hmm, I have not eaten any noodles this week, so ramen it is. I checked in my cabinet and picked a ramen cup. I also checked my fridge to see how short of ingredients I am. Turns out I kinda short on meals and ingredients. Restocking added to my bucket lists.

Nature's SilhouetteTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang