"You definitely know something."

"Just that he's so in love with you," I mean, you don't really write songs about people you are not in love with.

"You're too smart to not know something."

I sigh, "Just talk to him Drew, I can promise you it's not what you think and he's still so in love with you."

He grabs my cheeks and leans in closer, "If it's not what you think it is and if you're lying, I am chopping your hair off."

"Don't you dare," I warn.

"You better not lie."

I feign hurt, "How could you even say that?"

Andrew sighs and shakes his head, "Take your sprite and come back."

Five minutes later, we are back at the table and Liam telepathically asks me what was that all about and I telepathically tell him how I am about to whoop his ass if I have to save his relationship from spiralling down to the seven circles of hell. He seems to get the message correctly.
Maybe I should open a YouTube telepathy account and straight up go for Stargirl the Practical Witch's career.

"Where's Jade?" I look around cautiously, seeing if Jades drops down on me like the she-devil that she is.

"I thought you'd be happy she's gone," Ellie raises her eyebrows at me.

"Oh, I am don't worry," I pull my chair in a bit, "But where is she?"

"Said she's going to sit with her friends."

"At least I can ogle my man peace now," I sigh and lean back.

"Your man?" Liam looks amused.

"She's hooking up with that hockey jock."

"I know she told me, but I didn't believe her."

"Why?" I squint at him.

"No offence Lex, but you're kind of hard to handle," Liam admits and Ellie bursts out laughing.

"I think you mean too hot to handle," I wink and raise my glass of sprite to toast him.

"You should see them with their mouths on each other," Ellie swirls her drink in her glass, "Definitely not family friendly."

"Oh with eyes and a body like that, I wouldn't want it to be," Andrew chuckles.

"So much for thinking he's arrogant and a jock," Liam snorts.

"Amigas," I speak firmly, "I am right here."

"Oh you speak Spanish now?" Liam mocks, "I see he's rubbing off on you."

"Hopefully that's not the only things he's rubbing," Andrew winks at me and beside me, Ellie snorts, "Isnt he Spanish or Mexican or something like that?" Andrew asks.

I nod my head and mutter, "Mexican."

"I hope you're studying properly," Liam sips takes a huge gulp put of his sprite and winks, "Getting a D everywhere is not good."

Ellie chokes on her drink and Andrew bursts out laughing. My cheeks have never been so red and the worst part is, I haven't even gotten the D yet. And as for our studying, we're getting...somewhere. That's on me, because most of the times I can't control my bursting ovaries and  jumping on his bones.

"We're doing very well in our love life thank you very much," I smile sweetly, "Why don't you tell me about yours?"

"That's not as interesting," Ellie waves her hand.

"Really?" I ask dryly, "You're in love with the resident oh-i-am-so-dangerous and the badboy with a tragic past and it's not as interesting?"

Ellie turns a deep shade of pink and I smirk in response. If I go down blushing, then I am taking down all of them with me.

"And what about you my boys? Andrew is such a softie and the human version of a pleading emoji, is he a bottom?" I direct the last part of the question towards Liam, not towards a pissed off Andrew who's throwing daggers at me with his eyes.

"Oh he definitely is," Liam snorts.

Andrew opens his mouth to contradict but before he can say anything, he is cut off by the announcer in the black tux on the stage.

"Can I have your attention, please?" He shoots the audience a dazzling smile.

"Isnt that Rick?" Liam whispers and Andrew nods his head.

"Who's Rick?" Ellie asks.


Hey Hey Hey!! How have you beennnnn??!!!
I'm so glad to be back on Wattpad and pinterest lmao I missed social media.
On that note, drop all your socials! (I follow back I promise)
How'd you like the chapter? I'll upload more this week to make up for lost time don't worry!!
Stay safe, wear a mask and be happy!♥️
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