Ditched school? Course not!

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We carried on walking and walking.... and walking? "uuh, Parker? i think we walked straight past sir's office?" i lmore dramatic to catch his attention.

"You must be kidding me, right?" He looked back at me, my confused face stuck and he looked like he could not have made anything more clear (which he certainly could have) "there's a reason that I haven't had a detention since year 8 but still get sent out every other lesson, If sir never finds out that I've been sent out, then I'm safe. Just helps me a free get out of school card." He smirked that twatty yet still quite irresistible and charming smirk.

Shut up sav, I don't think you quite get the 'I don't understand why people like this guy' thing

I sighed and looked back to sirs office,
Then back and Parker. "You coming or not? If you do go to sirs office don't rat me out, that would be a dick move." He looked at me And raised his eyebrows waiting for my answer.

"But! Ummmm? I mmm, I can't but, uhhhh," I sighed again and reluctantly dropped a step forwards,

"That's the answer I was looking for," he laughed and grabbed my hand, "before we get caught baby face" He dragged me out of the main doors and into the car park, I was ditching school!

Wait till we tell Lilly!

We walked out of the school and somehow managed to walk to wherever Parker was taking me! He stopped and looked at me,
"What? Are we here?" I asked, we stood in front of a big abandoned looking building. maybe a warehouse?
"No, I'm just stopping to ask you if you know how to travel through walls so we can actually get there." He looked at me with a blank yet slightly amused face.
"Well I don't, so we'll have to settle for this dump?" He looked at me with a sarcastic offended face.
"This is far from a dump savs, this place is like Disneyland for our kind, join me inside won't you?" He ushered me into the building through two broken bars over a smashed window,
"Our kind? What do you mean by that?" I asked as I stepped through the bars onto a metal platform.

"Well wait and see, down the stairs just there." Parker pointed at some rusty metal steps, I took a deep breath and made my way carefully down the flight of stairs. As I got to the bottom I saw about 20 other people around our age just kinda chilling? Music blasting, skaters, dancers, people singing and just having fun. I looked back at Parker to see a crowd already assembled around him, mr popular I see...

"Punks, everywhere!" Parker by now had scrambled out of the group of swooning girls and was standing next to me.
"It's a once a month gathering sora thing? We come up here every month for an entire day and just hang out, we don't come everyday because of school but we meet here most weekends," he smiled ad grabbed my arm again to introduce me to his mates.
"Wait, hold on a minute? You mean you were lying ealier? When you said you ditch all the time?" I stopped and looked confused.
"Yup, I needed you to trust me, if I told you that I actually wasn't 100% sure we wouldn't get caught then you wouldn't have come, plus I don't get sent out every lesson. We only have one lesson together so I guessed it would be easier to get your trust?" He smiled and looked proud,

Boys, am I right?

I nodded and just went along with it, he was introducing me to his friends when a girl walked over to us, a pretty but kinda slutty looking brunette holding a piece of paper,
"Uhh, hey Parker! I'm Heidi, I was just wandering if you wanted my number? I'm free Monday after school, we should hang out?" She smiled and handed him the paper, I looked at Parker in shock, I never hung out with Parker and he was pretty popular so I guess I should have expected it but I never really saw him as a guy to hook up?
"Thanks Heidi, I'll make sure I call," he winked at her and she happily skipped away, I was still standing in awe, I was completely put of by that!
"Uh, savs? You ok there? You looked shocked?" He turned Back to me,
"Wha what? Yeah I'm fine sorry, just never thought you'd be the guy to have hook ups?" I elbowed him playfully in the side,

- hey, where are you? I'm at our table. Waiting time is ticking my dear friend, ticking slowly away xx...- Lilly -

- hai! Uhh well I'll guess I'll be there soon? I have a lot to tell you xx- savvy -

"Uuh, Parker? I think I have to go. Lilly's been texting me, is that ok?"

"Yeah, course it is baby face, see you at school tomorrow? Might as well take my number savs. Want walking back?" He smiled and handed me a piece of paper with his number and name scribbled on it, it worries me that he carries one about really?
"Uh, yeah please. That'd be great thanks." I smiled back and waited for Parker to say his early goodbyes.

We left back through the broken bars and started our way back to school... The joys. And though I only ditched for a few hours, I still decided it's something I'm NEVER doing again... I'm not that stupid. Jeez!

Lilly's gonna kill me when she finds out, KILL ME!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2015 ⏰

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