Chapter 16.

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Author's note: before you read this chapter I want you to understand that all events are imaginated. This chapter contains scenes of violence.  Bad words are also used here. Sorry for this and enjoy reading!

     The guys spent this day alone.  Everyone was busy preparing for the upcoming event.  This was all new to Tom, so he was very excited and diligently preparing to make a good impression on the world tomorrow.  Zendaya, already experienced in this business, worried quite a bit.  She's already familiar with this whole process, with the presenter and the studio.  But still, deep down, something disturbed the girl.  But what, she did not know herself.

         "POV TOM"
         I am very worried.  I have no one to talk to about this, no one to get advice from, because none of my friends have ever been in the position that I am.  Jacob also encounters this for the first time.  But I still decide to call him.

      “Hi,” he said after the fifth ring.
      "Hi bro.  How are you?" I rattled off.
      "All the way, here I try on outfits for tomorrow.  Are you ready already?"
      "Yes, I'm getting ready.  Listen, aren't you scared?  I'm so worried about something.  For the first time in public, and the whole world will see us."
      "I am also very worried, but I try to drive away all these thoughts.  Moreover, we are not alone, Zendaya will be with us, she is already experienced in all this."

      Exactly!  Zendaya!  I have to talk to her!

      "Oh, Jacob, you know, I'm so tired. See you tommorow, good night!" I blurted out and hung up before he could answer me.
      I quickly dialed Zendaya's number.  She did not answer for a long time.  I called her again, and for the third time I heard her gentle voice.
      "Yes, Tom?"
      "Zendaya, am I not distracting you?"
      "Um, no.  Say what you want."

      Something in Zendaya's voice pushed me away.  She doesn’t speak her Zendaya-way somehow.

      "Something happened?" I asked.
      “No, Tom, it's okay.  What did you want?" all the same monotonously she answered.
      "Don't lie to me, please."
      "I am not lying.  Tom, if you're done, then I need to get ready. See you tomorrow", I did not have time to answer anything, as she hung up.

      I stood in shock for another seven minutes, not realizing that I was still holding the phone to my ear.  "Did I do something wrong?", flashed through my head.  However, I saw fit to write Zendaya a message.

      "I worry about you. Sorry if something is wrong", several more times I looked at the typed message and resolutely sent it.

      Two hours passed.
      There is still no answer.  I had already managed to do all possible cases and was about to go to bed, when my phone rang.  A new message.  I quickly unlocked the device and saw a voice message from Zendaya.

      “I'm sorry, Tom, for talking to you like that today.  You are not guilty of anything.  It's just that my ex saw our photos from that picnic and now he throws mud at me.  I shouldn't have talked to you in that tone and generally strained you with my problems.  Sorry", the girl very quickly said what happened when she was nervous.  But there was something else in her voice that scared me.
      "Are you crying?" I asked.
      "Not anymore", the answer was not long in coming.
      "Listen, can I come to you?"
      "No, not worth it."

      We chatted for a few more minutes.  After making sure that everything was fine with Zendaya, I wished her good night and went to bed.

      I was already sound asleep when a noise woke me up.  Glancing at the clock, I was already ready to curse the whole world: well, who makes a brawl at half past three in the morning ?!  Incomprehensible knock, as if something is being thrown on the floor.  I got scared, thinking that burglars had broken into the house, but after listening, I realized that the sounds were not coming from my house.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw in Zendaya's house lights on.  Looking out the window, I saw two silhouettes.  One is Zendaya's, of course, and the other is unfamiliar to me.  A short, stocky figure stands in front of Zendaya, arms raised in the air and holding something bulky in them.  This is where these sounds came from.
      Zendaya's scream returned me to reality.  I kicked through the door in my room, instantly flew down the stairs, but the front door made me linger.  As always happens for evil, the lock on the door jammed.  In the end, out of anger, I knocked him out.
      Once again I thank God that our homes with Zendaya are literally close by.  The door to her house was wide open.  I immediately rushed to the second floor.  I went into the room in which everything was happening, when I looked at what was happening from the window, but there was no one.  Suddenly I was deafened by a rough male voice: "Come fucking out from there."  I immediately realized and hid behind the door.  A dark-skinned guy walked to the bathroom door, trying to open it.  Suddenly a great idea came to my mind!  I quickly dialed Zendaya's number and called.  On the other end of the house, a loud melody rang.  The guy hesitated a little, but followed the sound.  I took a moment to walk to the bathroom door and pulled the handle.  Does not open.  Well, of course, what did I expect.  There were sobs on the other side.

      "Zendaya!  Open up soon, it's me - Tom!"  I whispered.
      "Tom?" With hope in her voice she answered, opening the door.

      I went inside.  Zendaya was wearing the dress she was supposed to wear for Ellen's show tomorrow.  Despite the dripping makeup and matted hair, she was still beautiful.
      I hugged her tightly to me.  The girl buried her nose in my shoulder and cried again.  I put my hand in her hair.
      Suddenly he bursts into the bathtub.  When he sees me, he throws a bottle of vodka on the floor, and it breaks with a crash into thousands of pieces.

      "Who fucking are you and what are you fucking doing here?" he shouts, just like people in psychiatric hospitals.
      Suddenly, from behind his back, he pulls out something gray that looks like a gun.  Oh no!  It's a real gun!  I wrapped my hand around Zendaya's neck and pulled us down.  Just then, a deafening shot rang out.  The next thing I heard was Zendaya screaming. Oh my God! No! Not that! There was blood on my clothes and a red puddle formed on the floor. Zendaya put her hand over the wound, but red liquid was already oozing through her fingers.
      "Have you completely lost your mind? You bastard, you almost killed her!" I yelled as loudly as never before.  Out of anger, not understanding what I was doing, I went up to this cattle and smacked his fist in the face.

         "POV STRANGER"
         I was very jealous of Zendaya for this guy when I saw their joint photos from the paparazzi.  Yes, we broke up a couple of weeks ago and yes, it was my fault, but I just realized how much I love her.  I didn’t want to go that far, and I don’t know what came over me, but after that shot my head started spinning.  It was as if I had pulled away from this reality.  I see the blood flowing through the body of my beloved.
      I wanted to apologize, but this thief of other people's girls pushed me back, so hard that I hit my head against the wall, and about ten books fell on my head.  Just like in cartoons, only the pain is real.  The next thing I remember is that someone took me away from home.

         "POV TOM"
         This guy wanted to apologize, but I didn't give him this opportunity. He should have thought earlier.
         Just as I threw him to the floor, the police broke into the room.  Seeing the collapsed room, broken furniture, bleeding Zendaya, they immediately knew what was what.  Without delay, the police handcuffed the criminal and took him away.
      I helped Zendaya up.  She cried again, no longer hiding it.

      "Honey, don't worry, it's over", I stroked her cheek.
      She was not able to say anything, so I did not demand this from her.

      “You shouldn't be alone tonight.  Come to me, you will spend the night with me."

      Zendaya nodded only slightly in agreement.  I see that it is hard for her to walk, so without hesitation, I picked her up and carried her to me.

      "I'll lie down on the floor.  Feel yourself as at home", I said, gently placing Zendaya on the soft bed.

      “I’m scared, lie down with me, please,” she said, her voice trembling.

      I could not refuse her, so I nodded timidly and went to bed.  We lay face to face and looked into each other's eyes.  I tucked the loose strand behind Zendaya's ear.  Soon she fell asleep, and I remained to watch her.  Even when she's asleep, this girl is adorable.

Did you like the chapter?  Continued in part 17!

Unexpected love comes to life | Tom Holland + Zendaya = TomdayaWhere stories live. Discover now