I mentally facepalmed myself before gathering myself back together to ask the next question.

"Who are you?" I asked, realizing that I knew practically nothing about him.

He took a sip of the glass of bourbon next to him and then cleared his throat.

"I own a large company. We own dozens of hotels, casinos, and nightclubs throughout the country." Vince replied in a bored tone. He said everything like it was something normal and acted as if it was no big deal. He brushed off the topic quickly, waiting for my next question.

No wonder he was so rich. The whole building he lived in practically screamed money. And maybe that was why he had paparazzi practically harassing him that one day.

I wanted to ask more about the company he owned but I moved onto the next question.

"Where am I?" I asked. If by some miracle, I got away, it would be useful to know where I was.

"New York City." He answered.

The Big Apple. That wasn't too far from Brooklynn. Maybe 10-15 minutes by taxi but it wasn't exactly a walking distance. I could easily take a subway to get back if I managed to escape.

"You're not escaping," Vince said, reading my thoughts. With one large gulp, he drank the remaining of the liquor in his glass. I glared at him.

The situation I was in was worse than I could ever imagine. If my dad didn't pay back 50 million within the next two months, I was going to get killed by the one and only Vincent Ferraro. I had left my dad's to live and do as I pleased but instead, I got that taken away from me. Just my luck.

Or was it karma for not listening to my dad?

The door to the room suddenly opened and we both looked up to see someone walk in. Judging from his similar attire, I guessed it was one of Vince's men.

The man walked up to Vince before whispering something in his ear. My ears perked up, hoping to catch onto something he was saying but his voice was too low for me to overhear.

Nosy much? My inner voice scolded me. I rolled my eyes, ignoring it. I was being held here against my will so I could be as nosy as I wanted.

After he was done talking to Vince, he walked back out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I looked at the door and was thinking about making a run for the door but quickly realized that was probably a horrible idea. Firstly, I would have no idea where I was going and secondly, the door was most likely already locked so I would seem stupid trying to escape through a locked door.

Vince suddenly stood up from his chair and walked towards the front door. I watched him as he smoothly moved across the room. Despite his tall height, he walked as if he weighed only 20 pounds.

He turned around briefly. "I have some important matters I have to attend to. Ethan will take you back to my penthouse."

Then he left the room, closing the door behind him. Almost right after he had left the room, Ethan slipped in. He motioned me to get up.

I sighed exasperatedly before getting out of my chair and walking towards Ethan. I followed him out of the room and down the hallway once again. Vince was already long gone to God knows where and here I was, obeying their every order because I knew I had no other choice.

If I was going to die within two months, I wasn't going to spend it sitting around uselessly and obeying every single one of their commands. I needed to find a way out. I would need to come up with a plan soon. I couldn't rely on my dad to pay the money because we simply didn't have that much money. There was no doubt that he was going to go out of his way to get the money but $50 million? I highly doubted that he could get that large of an amount of money within two months.

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