The Birthday Party Pt.1

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Jessi’s POV

“Hey Jacob?” No answer


“Jacob!” I screamed.

He jumped up and said, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I just wanted to tell you that your mom is here.”

“WHAT! Oh my gosh!”

“Jacob calm down. Just go down there and see why she’s here.”

After he put on his clothes, him and I walked downstairs and his mom was sitting on the couch.

Jacob’s POV

I can’t believe my mom is here. I haven’t seen them since I left for college and my brother hasn’t seen them since he left for college a year later.

“Hi mom.”

“Hi son. Okay I came here for a very important rea-“

She didn’t finish her sentence because she saw that Jessi was standing there.

“Does she have to be here?”

She has a name and its Jessi my girlfriend so yes she can be in here.”

“I can leave,” I heard her say.

“No babe just stay and mom please continue what you were saying so me and my girlfriend can go back to bed.”

“Okay. Your father really wants to see you and your brother next weekend for his birthday. So I was wondering if you would take these two invitations and give one to your brother.”

“No. Me and Alex are really busy and I don’t know if we would be able to make it.”

“O-Oh okay. Well, I’ll leave these invitations for you and Alex.”

And with that she left and I closed the door behind her.

“I think you should go”, I heard Jessi say.

“Umm no because when I don’t want to and I know Alex isn’t going to either.”

“But what if he wants to see his only sons? Right, you are his only sons?”

“I mean yeah, but- I just don’t want to go.”

“Well your going. You have to because what if he wants to apologize for whatever he and your mom did. He just wants to see his sons.”

“Ugh! Fine, but if Alex says he doesn’t want to go, we are not going.”

“That’s fair.”

“Now let’s go to bed.”

During the whole week I was freaking out because of how scared I was going to my parents and them meeting Jessi. I know that my mom had to say something when she opened the door. My brother said he is going, but that was only because Jessi did some really good convincing. He was going to ride with me and Jessi, but he said that he was going to drive there himself with his date.

Oh my gosh! What if they do something to her? What if they-

“Jacob. Are you okay?” Jessi asks pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Umm yeah. Do you want to start getting ready for the party?”


The party started at 8 p.m. and we left at 7 because it was going to take us about an hour to get there.

Jessi looked so beautiful. She was wearing this long sleeve black dress with these black heels.

“You look beautiful.”

“Thanks. So do you.”

“Oh umm thanks?”


“It’s just, I have never been called beautiful before.”

“Oh well you are.” She smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

The whole drive was filled with a comfortable silence with us holding hands, but when we got there I started breathing really hard and would not get out of the car.

“You have to get out of the car Jacob. Please come on.”


When we walked in, I saw my brother and a woman so I went up to him and said hi.

“Hey Jacob, hi Jessi”, Alex said.

“Well…” Jessi said

“Well what?”

“Who’s your date?”

“Oh this is Keisha and Keisha this is my brother Jacob and his girlfriend Jessi.”

She said hi and shook our hands.

“So did mom see you guys yet”, I asked him.

“No, but hopefully she’ll be okay. Do you think she’ll be okay with this?”

“Well let’s see, she’s black and she’s here as your date and I brought Jessi so umm no.”

“I’m going to go get something to drink.” Keisha said

“Okay,” Alex said

Jessi’s POV

This is really nerve wrecking because I already know his mom doesn’t like me so I don’t think that his dad will like me.

I’m so scared.

“Hey babe, you want to go sit down?”


So as we are walking to our table, there was somebody already sitting there…

His mom. Oh no!

What Jessi was wearing on the side. If you guys want to see the suit Jacob was wearing, comment.

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