Reclaiming Fhirdiad:

Start from the beginning

He was worried that what Rhea had done may have set him off.

"I told Dimitri to evacuate the citizens as we fight" Byleth said " He is doing that" she added.

That was smart, he'll give her that. But Dimitri is a strong force in their army, it might make things a bit tougher but... It was the right call.

"Alright, as long as he's not dead" Claude said but quickly shut up once arrows began firing upon them.



And to make matters worse two Paladin's came rushing towards them.

Byleth lashed at one of the Paladin's, Claude rushed past them to find the snipers, Lysithea seemed to get the same idea and followed behind him. Once the two that were firing arrows at them came into view Claude and Lysithea fired at them, with arrows and spells, and eventually they fell.

The area up ahead of them was engulfed in flames, dammit.

"Claude, we are going to have to go through the fire, aren't we?" Lysithea asked.

Claude was quiet for a moment, it seemed so. "Yeah... I think so" Claude replied.

Lysithea's eyes went wide, "What the hell is that thing?" she asked.

"What thing-" Claude began to say but trailed off once he saw what Lysithea was talking about. It was a machine of some sort.

Then it moved.

"Claude watch out!" Lysithea shouted and the machine threw a beam of light at them.

Lysithea and Claude both stared at one another in shock for a moment then quickly came to their senses, "We need to fight it" he shouted.

Lysithea nodded and began casting spells at the beast while Claude fired arrows. Although it didn't seem to make much of a difference.

"What the heck is this thing" Lysithea said out of breath as she changed her spells around searching for an effective one against it.

A bright light enshrouded the machine for a moment, "Huh, I guess you found one that works huh?" Claude called out.

Lysithea made a face at Claude then cast the spell again, the others made their way to them. Bernadetta began firing arrows at it as well, and Byleth, Edelgard, and Felix ran at the beast to attack with weapons.

It was hot.

Unbearably hot.

Claude couldn't lose focus though, they needed to tough through this.

His skin burned; the sting of the heat hurt. Claude could see it in his allies as well, they needed to defeat this, and fast.

It took a while, but that monster finally fell.

"We need to advance now" Byleth called out and began heading further ahead, till they reached an area that wasn't engulfed in flames "Is everyone alright?" she asked, soot from the fire stained her cheeks.

Sylvain was the last to make it to the area with them, his horse was gone Claude didn't think it wise to ask what happened, he had a general idea.

"Yeah, everyone's here" Edelgard said as her eyes scanned over them.

"Now isn't the time for chitchat, we have company" Felix called out and sure enough there were more soldiers.


A great knight came rushing at them, Felix rushed forward at the knight and swung his blade at him. Knocking him off the horse than finishing him off.

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