Dimitri squinted where he was looking, but it was too smoky to see through...

Wait a moment.

"Is that..." Byleth began but trailed off.

Dimitri frowned.

"That wrench, she set my Kingdom ablaze" Dimitri said sternly gripping Areadbhar tightly.

He'll have her head for this.

"Everyone, we must commence our attack at once" Edelgard called out

Claude nodded, "We should head for the castle, that's where Rhea... No, the Immaculate one will be" he said.

Dimitri watched as more of his city caught flames.

Just like Duscar.

That vile woman.

How dare she.

"After we win, Fodlan will finally be free" Edelgard said, "We must be careful not to rush to our own deaths, the people of Fhirdiad are counting on us" she added.

His people...

Dimitri feels a hand grab onto his.


He squeezes her hand as lightly as he can, and she squeezes back.

"I hope to see you all on the other side" Claude begins "Be safe" he added.

"We'll win this together," Byleth called out.

Dimitri nodded his head, "Your right, everyone I ask one thing of you to stay safe" he said "The time is now! Move out!" Dimitri commanded and they entered into Fhirdiad.

Byleth remained at his side, "Dimitri" she called out "I think as King you need to help your people" she said.

Dimitri frowned, "I will be helping my people, Byleth" he said.

Byleth shook her head, "No Dimitri, they need their King to save them" she said "As we fight, start evacuating the people" Byleth said "They need you" she added.

"Byleth..." Dimitri said "But I need to be with you" he said.

Byleth frowned and pulled Dimitri down till their lips met.

After a few moments, Byleth pulled away.

"Dimitri, my fate is sealed" Byleth said "You can still save your people" she added "Now go" Byleth concluded and ran off after their allies into the city.

Dimitri touched his lips, Byleth is right.

He can still save them.



How could she do this.

Claude had thought of Edelgard being ruthless when she used the people as a shield by preventing their evacuation.

But this...

This is something else entirely.

Fhirdiad is known for having a strong faith in the church, actually all of Faerghus is and for Rhea to do this to them after their unwavering loyalty.

It is despicable.

She completely disregarded countless lives all so she could retrieve a crest stone and a sword.

Claude shook his head, there were flames everywhere. He turned to face his allies and quickly realized there was one missing, "Where is Dimitri?" Claude asked.

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