Chapter 1: My Name is Aigis

Start from the beginning

"Well, come on. We can't take too long or we'll miss too much of the lesson." I said, signaling for Aigis to follow me as we walked down the hall. "Anyways, here's the stairs to the first floor and the roof..."


Fifteen minutes later, I ended our very brief tour of the school in front of the Nurse's Office on the first floor. "And, that's about it." I finished. "So, do you have any questions or can we go back to class..?" I began to ask, but stopped when I saw that the young lady who was supposed to be behind me was nowhere to be seen. "Great." I thought. "Don't tell me she snuck off somewhere..."

However, this notion was quickly dispelled when I saw Aigis emerge from the Women's restroom down the hall. "Hey!" I shouted as I ran over to where she was standing. "Next time, if you need to use the bathroom, tell me so I know where you are."

The strange thing was, immediately after I stopped talking, she turned to look at me, and she gasped as if she just noticed I was there. "Oh! I'm... uh... sorry for sneaking off... I, uh... had to use the restroom... I'm a little absent-minded, I'm sorry..." she stammered before her voice lowered to a murmur again.

"Eh, don't sweat it, just-" I began, but stopped again because I noticed that Aigis' face was turning red. "Uh... Aigis-san..? Either you have a fever or you're blushing..."

"Ah!" Aigis exclaimed, briefly looking at me before she turned away again. "Uh... Arisato-san... was it?" she said in a low voice that I almost couldn't hear.

"Meh. Arisato-san makes me sound like an old man. Call me Minato-san or Minato-kun, whichever floats your boat." I replied.

"Floats my boat..? But I don't have one..." Aigis began, but stopped briefly before she realized what I meant. "OH! Oh, it's only a figure of speech, okay..." the young girl stammered, her face now an even deeper shade of crimson now. "Well then... Minato... kun?"

"Yes..?" I asked, half expecting her to request something.

"Uhm... I... think I like you..." she finally said after a few seconds.

Silence suddenly filled the halls. Well, they were already empty, so it was more like... a deeper, hollower silence, I guess.



"... Are you serious..?" I finally managed to say.

She looked up at me, her face slowly losing its crimson hue. "Uh... well, I think so. I'm experiencing everything that the documentary said that people do when they like someone..."

"The TV? You got that idea from a show?" I said, beginning to think that this was some kind of joke.

"Well, uh... I've never actually felt affection for someone, so I wouldn't know..."

"What on earth are you talking about..?" I asked. This was going nowhere, and I was getting more and more confused every second.

"... Minato-kun... can I tell you something... kind of secret..?" she said slowly, looking up at me with pleading eyes. How could I say no?

"Sure. What is it?"

"Well..." she began. "I'm not... exactly... what you would call normal..."

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