Chapter 15- Checkmate?

Start from the beginning

"If I tracked the guards' pattern well this door should lead to the confiscation room" Roy told everyone. He then opened the door and saw a room filled with boxes.

"Well let's start searching." Thea stated. As everyone looks around Nyssa asked "What exactly are we looking for."

Thea told her "Some sort of bat boomerang thing." As she said this,  Mia found the box with her stuff and as she touched the batarang everything came back to her. It was so much that she dropped the batarang out of pure nervousness.

The metallic noise that the batarang made when it hit the ground made everyone look and Roy picked it up and gave it to Mia as he said "Alright come on we have to help Rory."

As Roy spoke, Daniel came to Mia's mind so she said "No."' simply because she feared the worst for Thea and Roy. Thea in reaction to this said "What?"

Nyssa gave Thea and Roy their bows and quivers she said "Mia is right. My beloved demanded that we get her as far away from here as possible."

"Well it's not like Sara cares if Thea and I make it out of here alive." Roy pointed out

"But you two are still the ones that helped me stop the Thanatos guild. Just get Mia out of here and maybe Sara will forgive you two" Nyssa told them. Thea and Roy nodded at Nyssa followed by them leaving with Mia.

We are now with Rory who made it to the main room and said "Hey everyone!" as he joined everyone in the wide circle that they formed

Rene then told him "Good to have you back."
"Yeah." He then turned to Allegra and said "Don't think we've met, names Rory."

"Yeah, I've heard you're plan b if things go side ways," Allegra told him

"Well technically your plan b since I came first." Rory argued only to then see Kara land in the midst of them "Yeah we can argue about this later." Rory admitted

Nyssa then ran into with her sword and joined everyone as they were surrounding Kara.

"Come on guys let's drop this whole act. I'm national city's hero." Kara told everyone followed by Talia and Emiko shooting at Supergirl.

Kara caught both of the arrows and said "You're going to need something else to stop me." The two arrow ended being smoke grenade arrows. They  emitting green smoke that was laced with kryptonite. Behrad started using his air totem to control the spread of the kryptonite gas and Zari has been recording the whole thing

Then Nyssa, Talia and Emiko got closer to Kara as she dropped to her knees and started coughing up the kryptonite gas.

"Kryptonite gas, courtesy of your number one supporter, Lex Luthor." Emiko told her

"Breath it in." Talia told her. She then locked eyes with Kara and told her "That's fear. You're not a hero." Kara then shot at Talia with her heat vision but Talia dodged and said "Heroes are brave."

Allegra then blasted at Kara with the stone. Causing Kara to remember her worst moment, the destruction of Krypton. Kara hated feeling powerless but she remembered that she's Supergirl. She the strongest being on the planet so she used her freeze breath wildly. She ended knocking Allegra away causing her to lose her stone in the process.

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