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Hello Beautiful Humans,

I wrote this story before and I added this little intro recently. It just felt right to have it here. hope people enjoy it. Also, I thought I would let anyone know that if they like this story I have other works to look at if you are interested there is 'the rose garden' that one is ongoing and about witches or 'jingle' which is about a Christmas elf. thought I would put it out there.

also P.S. I don't own any pictures in this story I pulled them all from google ;)

P.P.S don't forget to comment, I really want to hear what people think and Vote if you like it!

so mote it be


In a regal gown of a deep purple, a young woman sat amongst the members of the lords' council. Her hair, dark and curly, pulled up in a neatly crafted braid. She turned her eyes to the man beside her, waiting for him to start the meeting. Before he could begin the meeting, one of the other men spoke out. "Are we to truly discuss the nation's business while a woman sits in the chamber." The man stood; he was an older gentleman. He wore fine clothes and kept his hair in a close cut, sharp, but not as sharp as his eyes as they cut to the woman and the man next to her. "I know it is different to have a woman in the room, but I have knowledge and information that this council may find useful." The woman pressed her hands under the table so the others would not see them shake. She was as nervous to be in that room as they were to have her. "And how do we know that we can trust you. None of us know of your character." The man began again. He bumped and prodded those around him to get them involved. "So it is my character that is in question? How fortunate I thought your issue with me was that I am a woman." She silently chided herself for rising to his words. "Women can be snakes," he responded. "And all men are upstanding members of society?" She scoffed; it was not the best time for her brand of humor. Of course, the gentleman beside her snickered and tried to hide it. "That is not the point." He snapped back in a harsh tone that had the man next to her sitting up a little taller. "No, the point is that you do not know me." The woman stood to match the man. "Perhaps you would allow me to change that?" He sat in a silent sign for her to continue, not surrender, not yet. "My mother taught me that when in a conversation, there are seven things to keep in mind so that your conversation builds a meaningful connection with the other person. She said you must listen to the other person to show that you care. You must be brief in your words to not bore them. You must be genuine in your words so they don't feed into your falsehoods. You must be empathetic to their opinions to reach a true understanding. You must label the emotions displayed by yourself and the other person to avoid misunderstandings. You must summarize their points and yours to draw out the true meaning. Finally, you must build mutual ground so that the conversation or relationship is built on a strong foundation of respect. It occurs to me that this goes beyond a simple conversation and can be applied to many situations. So when recommending myself to you all, I think I shall start with a summary since very little happened for most of my life..."

Amethyst (Fallen Kingdom)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora