setting the scene

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Peril's POV:
Weekends were always annoying. First of all, her mother was Kestrel. KESTREL! And she couldn't even see Clay today! She wondered what he was doing. Glory was probably over at Tsunami's house, like she was every Saturday. "Well, they like the same things." She thought. "Marvel, Dragons, Video Games, probably something else." She thought for a while. "I'll go see what Sunny's doing." She decided. She flung on her clothes, brushed her hair (very badly) grabbed her trainers, ran downstairs, popped toast in the toaster, burned the toast, ate the burnt toast, brushed her teeth, put on her helmet, grabbed her Skateboard and ran out of the door. She was happily skating along when she saw Fatespeaker Nightfall without her makeup! FATESPEAKER! Fatespeaker was one of those people who never took off her makeup, and yet Peril had just seen her without it. A lot of people thought Fatespeaker was born with her makeup on and couldn't get it off, but now she knew that it was just a stupid rumour, like that really dumb one last year that you couldn't touch her or you would burn to death. She made it to Sunny's house after what seemed like 5 hours, and rung the doorbell

Sunny's PoV because it won't always be Tsunami, Winter, Peril, Sundew or Luna:
She heard the doorbell ring and wondered who it could be. Well it wasn't Glory. She was over at Tsunami's house, so it couldn't be her either. It wasn't Starflight, he had to study, and it wasn't one of Qibli's friends. She opened the door and hugged Peril so tightly she couldn't breathe (Peril doesn't have firescales in this AU) "let me go!" She said. "I can't breathe!" Sunny let her go and she walked inside. "Guess what," she said. "I saw Fatespeaker without her makeup."
"What! That's impossible!" Came her reply. "I thought Fatespeaker couldn't take her makeup off"
"Come on Sunny," Peril said. You know that's just a stupid rumour, you know, like the one last year that you couldn't touch me or you'd burn to death. You believe every rumour."
Sunny thought for a second. "Do I really believe every rumour?" She thought.

(Alright people, here's the moment you've all been waiting for...)
Glory's PoV:
What movie to watch? Age of Ultron or Endgame? Glory assumed that it would be Tsunami's natural choice, Age of Ultron, because apparently "Endgame's too sad" she said. Glory knew the real reason Tsunami wouldn't watch Endgame though, but her train of thought was interrupted by Auklet running into the room screaming "TSU TSU!"
"Let's go somewhere else" Tsunami said. "I don't want Auklet interrupting the movie."
"Ok." Came her reply. "But what should we watch?"
"Age of Ultron." Tsunami said. Glory knew she was gonna say that, but she didn't tell Tsunami, so they went downstairs and started playing the movie.

Sooo, we learned a bit more about the characters here! In 2 chapters, the ocs start coming in! If you want your oc in the story, go to the chapter titled oc submission. Also, if you have a discontinued wings of fire story, Just tell me and I'll finish it. If you want I'll make art of your fanfic too

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