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** (Start song here) We got to spend the last few days hanging out. I spent most of the time back and forth between Drew and my siblings. We had one last family dinner, minus Harry, and it ended in Maddie and Sebastian spraying whip cream from the can all over each other. Mom and dad didn't even get mad that it got all over the dining room upholstered chairs. They just let us enjoy those last few moments together.

Now it's morning. The cars are packed up. Maddie and I are standing on the front steps watching our older siblings pack up their last minute things. My arm is around Maddie's shoulders, squeezing her to me every time another bag gets thrown into the trunks. She grips my shirt with her casted hand.

My father is holding my mother upright as she sobs, just like she does every time they have to leave for college. My fathers face is blank but anyone within a ten foot radius can see the emotion swimming behind his eyes.

Sophie's trunk is the first to slam shut. Cole stands next to her, wiping the sweat from his brow. Sophie leans closer to him, brushing a kiss on his cheek. Charlotte's backside is sticking out of the back seat while she checks her own bags. She's traveling with Sophie to Chicago and then flying to New York from there since she has no use for her car in the city with all of its public transportation.

Charlotte slams Sophie's back door and looks over at our mother. Her face crumples slightly and she rushes to hug her. "Mom, don't cry, we'll be back before you know it."

Mom sobs harder.

Sophie lets go of Cole and moves to group hug mom. "We'll be fine, mom."

Sebastian takes that time to walk over to Maddie and I, saying his first goodbyes. He gives me a stern look, "Nothing illegal." I raise an eyebrow confused for a second at who I am talking to. "At least while I'm not here, okay? You never invite me along and it hurts my feelings."

He throws an arm around my shoulder, watching our family say their goodbyes. "You've never said you felt left out."

He gives me an obvious stare, "I'm supposed to be the cool one Tess, I don't beg."

I grab the hand that's resting on my shoulder. "I'll bring you along next time," I promise, squeezing his hand.

He gives me a big smile, "I can't wait. It better be good," he threatens with a mischievous smile. "Call me anytime, okay?" I give him a silent nod. He pulls me into a side hug before letting go and moving over to Maddie. "Munchkin, steal Tessa's phone once in a while and give me call okay? I miss your sarcasm sometimes."

Maddie grins with pursed lips, "Deal." He grabs her into a bear hug, squeezing her until she starts smacking his back to let her breathe properly.

A hand touches my shoulder. "If you need me, call," Sophie tells me with a serious note in her tone. I nod my head once. "I love you sis."

"Love you too," I whisper, holding onto her for a little longer than necessary. I want to tell her to call me if she needs me too but I know that message won't communicate the way I want it too. It's a good thing Cole is only a thirty minute drive from her campus.

Cole stands behind her, "Stay terrifying T."

He moves in for a side hug. "Stay pathetic, Cole." He laughs, patting my head once and I delight in the squeal he lets out when I grab his hand and twist it silently.

Maddie stares up at him expectantly. "Stay adorable, Mads." She grins and jumps in his arms, hugging him tightly.

I get blindsided into another hug, this one more aggressive and demanding than what I'm used to but I hug Olivia back tightly. "Feels like just yesterday we were beating down Nate's door," she gives me a fond smile, "Good times, good times."

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