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I have a twin brother. Jeremy. He owns a private company that sells car and such. Everything is fine and settled until one day my brother was confined with a post depression stressed disorder. We thought that after his medication, he will be fine as before but not. Every month, a secretary will be fired and gone at exactly the 14th and new secretary will be hired. It happened for so many months until I found out that all his secretaries after they get fired will prove as missing. That's his mystery.

Until I found out his main objective: every secretary he hires will be killed. My brother is a psychopath.

So my plan was to hire a secretary for him. Little did he know that that secretary is a dectective. Every night, we always plan how to arrest my brother. We did everything. Until it's day of March 14, we know that Jeremy will kill his secretary so I warned her. " It's the time".

At exactly 7:00pm, Jeremy invited his secretary to the dinner at his house. They were happy at that moment until my brother immediately grab a knife. I am so thankful that the girl is faster than my brother. So she grabbed a handcuffs and the problem solved.

I think the detective was wrong about arresting my brother. I am the true killer.


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