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Sun sets down to the west as the bright half-moon showns vividly up in the sky. I was laying fast asleep with my mother. Gently lying down in the bed and felt the crisps of the air in our room.

Then i suddenly dreamt something suicidal. A nightmare. Then my dream followed for next night, like a continuation. But something is wrong. I clearly saw someone put a thin rope to his neck then hang it at our window. Mysteriously, he was alive. He's not hurt or something. So I tried. I found myself touching the rope then I felt a zap. Something like an electric zap that crawls to my whole body. That's when I hesitated to put it to my neck and then I suddenly woke up.

Fortunately, bad things did not happened to me. What if I, the one who's sleeping  will not wake up in the morning? What if I pursued to put the  rope in my neck? What if all my questions are becoming real? If I  happened to did it, maybe I'm not here sharing my own story and found yourself reading this. I do hope you find yourself awaken at my situation that always give thanks to God because you are alive right now.

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