Part V (Last Part)

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Win moves around to snap different pictures of different people walking around, eating and chatting with each other while waiting for the fireworks display, not forgetting to take ones of the decorations and the sparkling, giant Christmas tree in case there ends up not being enough photos for the publication. And though he finds peace and distraction in his camera, he can't help but feel envious. Win knows that open relationship or not, Bright would have taken him as his date if they were still together. He smiles and laughs to himself. Bright would have been all dressed up just to impress him, something so different from the football jersey he's so used to seeing him in. But the smile falls from Win's face when he realizes none of those thoughts matter. They're not together anymore and Bright probably came with someone else. Yeah, he thought. Win goes back to taking pictures.

Bright walks in front of the Main building near the university's student publication booth, smiling and waving to a few of his friends that he can recognize. Bright looks around for Win, expecting to see him in casual clothing with a camera held up to his face. So, when Bright sees him taking pictures, he chortles airily to himself and starts walking over to Win. Bright taps him on his shoulder, startling Win as he stands erect and looks at Bright in shock.

"Hey there" Bright says with a faint smile on his lips.

"Hi" Win says softly and cautiously in reply.

"Taking pictures of people at the Lover's lane, I see." Bright says next because he doesn't know what else to say. It's been so long since he's been able to talk to Win.

"Um, yeah." Win replies in slight embarrassment. "We're doing a big spread on this year's 'Paskuhan' for the publication, so I need pictures of literally everything." Bright chuckles a little and nods. "Speaking of that, um, w-who did you come with? I can take your picture for you if you want."

"No, that's okay." Bright shakes his head. "I didn't come with anyone."

"Really? Why not?" Win asks, letting the camera hang around his neck freely.

"I don't know," Bright answers with a shrug. "No one I wanted to go with."

"Oh," Win says. "okay." But he knows the real reason... at least he hopes he does.

"Look," Bright begins, coughing awkwardly to clear his throat, "I want to say sorry about everything. I should have known that being in an open relationship would be hard for you. Honestly, it was hard for me, too."

Win lifts his previously lowered head and stares at Bright in confusion.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

Bright sighs before he talks again. "When I was with other people," he says, "it never felt right. Everything would be great up until we started having sex and then I felt...I felt weird. Like there was some part of the puzzle that I was missing." Win gulps hard as he listens. "It took me a month, but I finally figured out what it was," he continues, looking Win dead in his eyes. "You. I was missing you every time I was with someone else."

"Even when we were together?" Win asks quietly.

"Yeah," Bright admits, "even when we were together." Win's lips part at his confession and his eyes begin to tickle with tears. "I know I don't deserve it," Bright says, stepping closer to Win, "and I know I probably broke you beyond repair, but I really want to give us a try again. No open relationship, just you and me, no one else."

Win exhales shakily. "How can I know you won't cheat on me?" he says, trying to remain tough but feeling his defense tumbling down brick by brick. "How can I trust that you aren't going to someone else's place when you aren't with me?"

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