Part I

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Win felt like a teenager preparing for his first date. Practically every article of clothing he owned was thrown about his room, shirts and jackets covering his bed while socks and pants hung over his laundry basket. He probably tried on about fifteen different outfits but discarded all of them either because the colors didn't match or it looked like he was trying too hard to get laid. But then, there were times when he'd stop and re-evaluate his life at that very moment. Why was he going through all of this trouble just for a tutoring session? Surely, that's all that would happen; looks over the notes from the first half of the semester, memorize formulas, answer sample problems, etc. There was no way that they'd go from studying Plane and Solid Mensuration to fucking.

That was pretty much impossible. After all, Win was just a normal guy who's studying Chemical Engineering with an above average IQ, while Bright was the infamous fuckboy, who happened to be an Industrial Engineering major and in the football varsity team of their university. The chances of Win seeing Bright naked were about as good as him giving up his scholarship. Which of course Win doesn't want to do because his parents would probably kill him if he does lose his scholarship.

After half an hour, finally, Win settled with taking the safe route, his default, his it's-not-even-an-official-date outfit: jeans and a graphic tee. After Win gathered his books and other study items, he looked around his messy room and then glanced over at the time on his phone. The numbers told him he had fifteen minutes to get to Bright's place.

Upon arriving at Bright's condominium building, it took him a minute to muster the little strength required to knock on Bright's condo unit. While in the elevator, Win was practicing the different types of greetings he could use with Bright. There was always the traditional "hello" or "hi". But he didn't want to seem like a prude. Maybe he could go with something more casual like "hey" or "what's up". But he didn't want Bright to think he was so laid back. Win shook his head and took a deep breath. He would just use whatever greeting Bright used. That is presuming he greeted him first. But, what if he didn't? He shook his head. No, it would be fine. Bright would say hi first and he would say hi back. Yeah.

With one last breath for good luck, Win folded his hand into a fist and was only a mere two centimeters from the door when it opens, revealing a smirking Bright, wearing a sando. "I was wondering if you were planning on knocking or not," Bright had said, making Win chuckle nervously before lowering his arm back down by his side.

"Hi" Win airily said. Bright smiled at him, chortling.

"Come in" Bright said, stepping back a bit and giving Win enough room to walk past him. Win stopped when he was inside; looking around in amazement at how incredible of a home Bright lived in. I guess this is what happens when you have a lot of money, he thought to himself. "Let's go to my room." Bright said, snapping Win right out of his thoughts. Win followed Bright, trailing at least two steps behind the latter.

Win walked in as Bright was finishing cleaning up his room. By no means did it meet Win's high room cleanliness standards, of course, but it would be bearable for the hour or so he'd be there. "Bed or desk?" Bright bluntly asked him. Win's eyes widened as he spun around. Why would Bright ask him that? Did he think this was a hookup date instead of a tutoring session? As he waited for a response, Bright blinked his eyes and raised his eyebrows. "Do you want to study on the bed or on the desk?" he repeated.

"O-oh," Win said in a shaky voice, "right. The b-bed might be know...more space."

"Okay" Bright nodded and then walked over to his dresser as Win laid his bag on the bed and sat on the edge of it. "I'd offer you something to drink or eat," Bright added as he fiddled with his stereo, "but ever since my last tutor made me nearly fail my departmental exam in Engineering Algebra, I have a certain stigma about them that makes me not want to be courteous."

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