※ || Cyclone | Lusus Naturae

Start from the beginning

But why should you— should they?

Without voicing anything as to alarm him, you kneeled down at his level; letting him tower over you while he sat up, with you sitting on your curled legs, looking straight into his eyes: Sapphire, flowing ocean tears and an aura of heavy darkness surrounding him. Just like the myth of his gemstone from the folklore.

But this is a different kind of darkness...

Smiling warmly at him, you took in the surroundings and the creature before you; with looming shadows hid the beast, the sun's rays revealing the frightened child at peak. Curled and bare, shivering frantically, wounds and injuries resurfaced and fresh. He stilled, unblinking, yet his sapphires shook upon her with uneven breathing. Dear, the poor thing...

Softened E/C eyes attempted to reassure the person before you from his panicked state, before daintily, you spoke. "It's alright..." Whispered thy. "I have no ill intentions for you.."

But the sapphires remained frightened, and only made the boy back away from you in uncertainty as it held doubt. Your warm smile saddened with sympathy witnessing such, before a cloth was taken out from your pocket and your helping hand waved reassuringly at him as to further signify your true intentions, before lightly dabbing onto one of the large injuries adorning his leg and letting the copper liquid soak itself bit by bit into the cloth.

This is in turn, made the creature wail. And quietly, you continue to shush him softly with a finger, still smiling as you continued to pat his wounded skin with the cloth attempting to soothe him from his underlying pain. And with the amount of injuries adding up and further discovering more of such by his torso, his wails and tears continued to flow as you diligently cleansed him from the tainting crimsons on his mythical body.

And it was only then did you realize, with a heavy pink flush of your cheeks, that the poor boy was bare and naked.

"It's finished.." Retracting your hand from the newly cleaned and bandaged mythical body from the boy, E/C met Sapphire with caution, before adjusting your position to view his condition properly: to say the least, you were utmost satisfied he is somewhat "fixed" and cleaned from his wounds.

But as your thoughts processed the situation more, you looked down with visible complexion written on your face; it was strange...

The people in your village, (sadly), aren't at terms with creatures like him because of an unsaid forgotten history that lead everyone astray and fear such beings. And fear is a seed for hatred, envy, misery, and all sorts of negativity that corrupted man. And with fear did man banish such creatures to walk alongside man from the unknown and misunderstood from its kind, and sent them onto the cliffside of the village and threw them to this accursed forest. But if so, there would be no more need for them to harm such beings anymore, right? They banished them far from home as to keep the people 'safe'. So surely they wouldn't come back to hunt them again. But such injuries befallen to the creature is only capable of man. What kind of sin had befallen to this harmless young lad for the people of your village to once again hunt down and (attempt to) kill?

In the midst of your confusion, the boy tilted his head. The kind gesture was... Reminiscing. Since when had he last experience such kindness in a hundred years of his existence? Recalling such memories plastered a solemn smile on the sapphire boy, as a cobalt glow revealed his ears to be formed into butterfly wings, letting them flap from the bubbling feeling soaring in his once fearful heart and the sapphires followed suite. Ah, he'd forever cherish such memories... Where he and his brothers were once one with man. Recalling the present times made his smile falter, but the kind girl beside him let the smile remain into a warm one. Even in hard times, you should never lose hope. It's always by the end of the horizon...

With his ears glowing in sync and cue for his broken wings attached to his back to glow as well, soon, his expression that once held fear changed into hope and optimism. Which caught your attention and break off from your train of thoughts as you looked up at him with astonishment.

"Beautiful..." You whispered, smiling at him as the complimen made the boy flushed pink softly in return, before he looked away, seemingly befuddled and flustered, uncertain of what he should do. You couldn't blame him; kindness must be a foreign aspect to him...

"How are you feeling?" You finally asked, your hand moved back onto your lap as you stared at the immobile boy, but he seemed too entranced in his pondering that he might perhaps didn't hear you. Sapphires were glued to the ground with an incomprehensible shine, as his legs were curled up to his chest, but he did not hide his face from you; they merely turned to the side, perhaps timid of your mere presence.

You smiled at such. He is NOT a vicious creature eating children or kidnapping women as fools proclaim. He is a gentle creature, whom only needed —and perhaps wanted— kindness...

With that in mind, you took off your cloak from your shoulders catching the boy's attention, and yet again he backed away; but you shushed him, smiling softly before letting the clothing embrace his body and warmth be gifted unto him. The creature perked up, blue butterfly ears flapping at the heat and reminiscing the devil's wings of his kin, before he let out a chirp blending of an owl's hoot and a morning glory bird's singing, before he hid himself in the cloth and warmth further embraced him once more.

A butterfly burrito;  your childish mind thought, and melted your heart.

The sapphires came back to look at you, analyzing your true self one final time, before he croaked above a whisper. His walls slowly breaking down. "W-Who are you?..."

Once again, you gifted him with a few simple words: "My name is Y/N." you smiled. "And I am a caretaker of this forest. May I know yours?"

The young boy mirrored the gesture. "M-My name is Zephyr..." He blinked with a wondrous gleam in those Sapphire eyes peaking up from his curled up form. "But... Y-You can call me Zeph!"

And thus, fate had gathered the most vicious clouds of the underworld and celestial realm and swirled the accursed incoming cyclones onto the innocent, destined souls.

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