21 - lyla is so confused

Start from the beginning

"I'm just so confused," Lyla mumbled, "this is all moving too fast Maria. I need things to slow down," she told. All of this was overwhelming, the questions, comments, overall confusion– Lyla didn't know, she never knew. For once, she wanted things to make sense and whatever feelings or emotions that Luke made– makes her feel is all one big mystery that she can't solve.

"I get that," Maria said, "and I don't want to push you, but answer this question for me." Lyla shrugged in response allowing the girl to continue, "Are you excited?" A cheeky smile appeared on her face as she took a long sip from her hot chocolate.

At this, Lyla couldn't lie as her cheeks grew a rosy colour at the thought, hiding her smile with the sleeves of the sweater. "Yeah, I'm pretty fucking excited." Though, Lyla wasn't looking forward to parting with the jacket yet.

"Yes!" Maria squealed, "Are you going to sleep over there again or should I expect you to come home?" Her fingers were crossed that Lyla would stay over at Luke's apartment. It has been ages since her best friend ever considered having feelings for someone and acted on it. Maria was happy that Lyla was finally getting something she deserved.

"Don't count on me staying over," Lyla said, "if things change, I'll be sure to tell you." Playing with the rim of her cup, "So, how are things between you and Michael?" She asked considering Maria and Michael have been spending a lot more time together since they've gotten exposed two days prior.

Lyla found it cute, Michael would get so flustered, Maria will act all coy and shy. Last night, Michael bought the girl a stuffed bear after failing miserably at the carnival games at the coney island fair. Meanwhile, Calum and Lyla were too busy stopping at every food cart to notice and feed to Michaels embarrassment.

"You never told me why you like Michael," Lyla spoke, "I think now would be a good time."

In all honesty, Maria didn't know why she liked Michael. He's never been her type, nor the person she ever imagined herself to be with. This appeared to be a difficult question for the girl, she contemplated for a few minutes before finding the best answer she could think of.

"He's sweet," she answered, Lyla couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, ha-ha, I know Michael and sweet has never been used in a sentence before." Maria rolled her eyes; this was the part where Lyla would express her interest in astrology and bash the red-haired boy.

"Maria," Lyla started, "he's a Scorpio male!" She laughed, "Not to generalize, but Scorpio men suck."

"Okay, yes... Michael's different though," Maria said. Ever since the boy confessed his 'undying love' for the girl, he's been a lot more romantic and open– although, usurpingly, he's been super protective. "What zodiac sign is Luke?"

"If I knew then I would tell you," Lyla responded, finishing the rest of her hot chocolate and placing the cup down the table. "Okay, enough talk about boys, when are you going home for the winter?"

"Um... two days after the university closes." Maria said, "I haven't bought the tickets for my flight home yet, I'll do that next month. Are you going to England?"

"I'll have to check, but, yeah probably." Lyla's parents moved to England after she left to university, at that time, her father's contract finished– after ten years, and they had no reason to stay. Of course, Lyla's mother, she found it a foreign feeling to not live in walls lined with electric fencing and adjust to a different setting. England was much different from her home for ten years, and her home in Malaysia.


When the girls arrived at their dorm, they walked in to find three boys waiting. This was the first time Ashton Irwin had ever stepped foot in the girls' dorm room, he was particularly fond with the clash in decoration.

"Oh, hello." Maria said, awkwardly strolling into the room, "What are you all doing here?" She asked a few ideas were roaming through her head as to why there seems to be a group meeting happening in her dorm room. All of which involved Luke.

Lyla somehow knew why they were here; she got a feeling that they were all here to talk about Luke and their relationship. "Can you guys... just like stop?" She said, "I know you're here to talk about Luke."

"Good," Ashton spoke, "we just need to tell you some things about Luke before your little... date tomorrow."

"Unless it's his birthday and his last name, I don't want to know," Lyla told, knowing Michael and Calum they brought Ashton in for the sole purpose of warning the girl. Although they had their best interests and are simply trying to look out for her, Lyla didn't want their help– or a guide to the blond boxer.

"Well Luke Hemmings was born on July sixteenth, and he's a Cancer," Ashton informed. He didn't know what to expect, Luke reacted the exact same when they showed up at his apartment for a sudden family meeting.

Luke Hemmings, it had a nice ring to it. "Okay great, that's all I need to know." Lyla said, "Whatever tragic background story or information you guys have I don't want to know. That is private information and should be shared with the person consent." She ranted, "And I doubt Luke is comfortable about you guys spilling his life story."

"That's funny, he said the same thing." Calum commented, earning a slap to the back of his head by Michael, "Ow! You bitch," he groaned, pinching the boy in retort.

"Guys," Ashton sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "we already went through this." Waving his hand around fed up with the childish behaviour of the two twenty-year-old men acting like six-year-old boys.

"Right," Calum coughed, "Lyla we only have your best interests and don't want you to get hurt." He explained.

"I think I can handle pain Cal," Lyla said.

"Yeah," Maria joined in, "and you guys seem to forget that Lyla can take care of herself." She added.

"Look, I appreciate you guys looking out for me, but I can take care of myself, and I can deal with pain and hurt." She informed, "I take full responsibility to whatever happens in the future, though I doubt anything will happen because Luke and I probably aren't even considered friends."

Pulling open the door and waving her hand out, Lyla invited the boys to leave and let things play out as they should. Without any interference from the peanut gallery. If she and Luke were not meant to have a relationship of any sort then that will be revealed when it's time. Not because she's scared of him or intimidated with who he is because of petty stories from her friends.

"Thank you, guys, for caring, but I think I can handle it."


hey!! a short filler chapter, don't want to rush things. 
everyone is releasing music! mgk, melanie Martinez, the neighbourhood, Mr Ashton Irwin!!! 

I hope you guys enjoyed and will continue to stick around, have a good day/night :)
~ anne

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